Bass trap panel covering...?


Jul 17, 2009
Port St. Lucie, FL
I have some rigid fiberglass at my disposal. Pretty much if I want it, I can take it. However, it isn't just regular sheets... It is the rigid fiberglass with these weird, almost spray on outer covering. The panels are 1 inch thick... If I glued some together, would they still make for a suitable bass trap? The surface seems like it would be too reflective...
stand right in front of it and clap your hands or put your face right next to it and yell into it(yeah real scientific I know lol). if it sounds like it is sucking up the sound it'll work. you should hear a noticeable difference when you're right in front of it
if i was to guess, i'd say that what you're describing are fiberglass ceiling tiles, which unfortunately don't have the necessary density to really do shit as far as absorbing low end goes
As far as I know, fabric for bass traps just has to be breathable which just means that if you put your mouth up against it and attempt to breathe through it that you'll be able to. :lol:
Nope, not a ceiling tile. Ceiling tiles are a lot more brittle. You can snap a tile in half and pieces will crumble off, like a piece of cake. The stuff I have right now looks like insulation that you'd put in the wall, but has rigidity. It's *for* home theaters and stuff. I just don't know if it's really want I want in my room.