Bass trap/subwoofer placement help!


Jan 21, 2010
Hey guys! For a few years I've been rocking yamaha hs50m's with 4 GIK acoustics bass traps (244).

Recently I got the matching sub (yamaha hs10w) and 4 of the same traps (8 244 in all) and was wondering what would be the best placement of each in my 11 x 11 x 8 room?

Here's some pics of each corner/wall: iPhone pics 178.JPG iPhone pics 179.JPG iPhone pics 180.JPG iPhone pics 181.JPG

The window, breaker box, and two doors make it kind of a pain to put traps anywhere.
put traps on back of all doors, straddle that ENTIRE back corner that is free (the corner with just ONE trap hanging) and breaker box corner, just put two on the floor on each wall.

remainder behind you on your back wall and/or in front on your desk.

BTW, nice Martyrs poster
put traps on back of all doors, straddle that ENTIRE back corner that is free (the corner with just ONE trap hanging) and breaker box corner, just put two on the floor on each wall.

remainder behind you on your back wall and/or in front on your desk.

BTW, nice Martyrs poster
Thanks dude, never even thought of doing it like that!
Sounds like it will work out a whole lot better :)

And YES, love that poster. The cover art (and mix... Know you this) is so epic!
Any ideas about my sub though? The only spot big enough under my desk is surrounded by wood.

EDIT: Just tried stacking 2 of the bass traps on top of each other in the corner and they're too tall by like 1 inch...
Hey man, if you bought the traps from GIK, you should contact them. Bryan Pape is the acoustical engineer there and will help you figure things out. Just make sure you install REW and have a measurement mic, so you can take measurements. It will involve a lot of trial and error, but they will analyze the measurements and graphs for you and tell you how to proceed.

I had a great experience with them helping me set up my room.