BATTLE BEAST - Unholy Savior


Jul 16, 2002
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First video is released and I definitely hope it's not indicative of the rest of the album, because it's not what I expected...

This song sounds more like 80s pop than the pure metal of the previous albums. Not a bad song, but not what I'm expecting from a band like Battle Beast. If it's just one song like this on the album, fine. Otherwise...
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I thought you must be going mad G Man. You weren't! This is very poppy. Why are the guitars so quiet? I still like the song though cause it sounds like something fellow Finns Brother Firetribe would do and I love those guys. I am seeing BB live with Sabaton in January and I can't wait for that. It's gonna be one helluva party! But let's wait and see how the full album turns out but this song would win Eurovision probably so it's definitely very light.
Some more detail here...

Bassist Eero Sipilä commented: ”"Touch In The Night” is probably the farthest away from typical Battle Beast sound we’ve ever went. It really sums it up, that in the pre-production phrase went under the nickname ”Alphaville”. If Judas Priest covered ”Big in Japan”, I believe this is where they would end up. True metal fans hold on to your hats - there’ll be more blast beats for you later!”
Some more detail here...

Bassist Eero Sipilä commented: ”"Touch In The Night” is probably the farthest away from typical Battle Beast sound we’ve ever went. It really sums it up, that in the pre-production phrase went under the nickname ”Alphaville”. If Judas Priest covered ”Big in Japan”, I believe this is where they would end up. True metal fans hold on to your hats - there’ll be more blast beats for you later!”

Cool that it seems it's a one-off in that poppy style. But "blast beats"? This is still puzzling...
It's like if Abba and Nightwish had a baby while Annette was singing for them, they'd have made a Battle Beast song.

Or maybe if Ace of Base tried to include metal influences.
I think it is exactly what I expected. Their last album was something like dance power metal.
This new Battle Beast sucks. Bad. What sort of animal got stuffed up their ass to make them produce something like this? Holy crap this makes Volbeat sound damn good in comparison.
This new Battle Beast sucks. Bad. What sort of animal got stuffed up their ass to make them produce something like this? Holy crap this makes Volbeat sound damn good in comparison.

I don't see the point of comparing 2 completely different bands like Battle Beast and Volbeat, but cool for you if you wanna do it...
I don't see the point of comparing 2 completely different bands like Battle Beast and Volbeat, but cool for you if you wanna do it...

I guess you have a point there. Perhaps I should have compared them with a disco band or something similar. Someone else mentioned Abba. Actually the first band that came to my mind when I heard this was the 80s group "New Order".
I still feel like their debut was their best by a mile, not sure what happened to them with their sophomore effort. The new song does kind of suck, but I still have enough carryover love for the debut that I'll probably give the album a spin anyway just in case.