Battle Beast!


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Mar 29, 2003
Female Fronted Metal with vocals a la Udo Dirkschneider! WOW!

I definitely need to pick up an album by this band. Ever since I found this video on YouTube a few weeks ago, I'm guessing I've listened to it 100 times:

I love her voice :headbang:
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This isn't so much female fronted metal so much as the singer happens to be female. This lady's got serious power. Tight band too. Songwriting could use some work, but it's a debut, so it gets graded on a curve.
This isn't so much female fronted metal so much as the singer happens to be female. This lady's got serious power. Tight band too. Songwriting could use some work, but it's a debut, so it gets graded on a curve.

In my own defense I view "female fronted" or "fronted By" in a band to be the person man or woman who sings for the band. That may just be me but that is why I described it that way.