Battle Cry - CD Update and Guitarist/Singers new side project

Trevor Lane

Guits/Vox - Battle Cry
CD Update - We recently finished up the last of the recording that will take place in Colorado Springs. Harry The Tyrant Conklin (Jag Panzer) came back into Enharmonic Studios to do some Gregorian Chant backing vocals on the Inquisition Suite. The Chorus of Tyrants is unbelievable and will definitely be a high point on the CD. Matt Aub (TimeLord) is currently writing lyrics and recording vocals for the last 2 songs (Sacred Legacy and All Hallows’ Eve) in his home town of Springfield, Virginia. We will start arranging and mixing the finished songs (Battle Cry, Battle Cry of Freedom, Inquisition Suite, and Osiris) until Matt sends us his vocals and then we’ll mix those and finally be done with our freshman release. No dates are being set in stone ('cause they always slip), but we hope to have this done and released before the summer is up.

Trevor’s New Project - I have decided to pay homage to one of my musical, political, and sporting heroes: Ted Nugent; by starting a tribute band -Trevor Lane & the Spirit of the Wild. The intent of this band is to capture the best elements of all eras of Terrible Ted's amazing career - The look of the 70’s Nugent band, the power trio sound Ted has now, playing the best of Ted's catalog of hits. I hope to have this band up and running by next summer. For more details, or to sign up for a musician’s audition check out

Check out for the latest and to listen to audio samples.