Battle metal


May 15, 2004
First post in the Amon Amarth forum. Been a fan for 5+ years.

Anyway, I work in the Danish Army and just wanted to let you know that my favourite soundtrack for preparing for battle is the 'Twilight...' album!

I am going back for my 3rd tour in Afghanistan in a few days...
Unfortunatly I had yet to discover viking related metal when I was in Iraq in 2006. Could have used the motivation at certain points! ;)
T minus 33 hours: Lestening to Surtur Rising, drinking beer and about to fry the most infidel bacon in history!
Unfortunatly I had yet to discover viking related metal when I was in Iraq in 2006. Could have used the motivation at certain points! ;)

Around team 7 when you had all the rocket attacks? I can imagine!

I just hope they keep paying off the local militia to guard the Price perimeter, or the rockets will be a daily thing again (had the 107's daily in Kandahar in 2006...)