Battlefield 2


Oct 13, 2002
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This game will out by the end of this month. Anyone else getting it? I'm really excited about it. I'm a big fan of BF42 though never got BFV. Bf2 looks fantastic.

A demo will also probably be out around the middle of the month.
Hell yes I will be getting it on the first day of release. You definately missed out on alot from playing BFV because it is an awesome game and have spent so many hours playing it online.
I was hoping you would have a link to the demo which is the reason I read this.
Anyway I am very excited at the moment. Only thing is you can't trust release dates with games because games always get pushed back by heaps.
Yeah I can't wait, it's going to be awesome.

I preferred DC to BF:V, though. Hated the helicopters in BF:V but DC pulled them off perfectly, so I hope they're similar to DC's in BF2 - they hopefully will be, since Dice bought the company that made DC.
Noooooessssssssss!!!! I just found out my video card won't work with BF2! Everything else is up to recommended, not just required, but my damned video card. Anybody know a good midrange priced video card?
Thanatopsis123 said:
Noooooessssssssss!!!! I just found out my video card won't work with BF2! Everything else is up to recommended, not just required, but my damned video card. Anybody know a good midrange priced video card?

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I found a couple of cards that were pretty damn cheap. What wasnt up to spec? the 1.4 shader or 128 ram?
here is one link for one with 128megs of RAM and 1.5 shaders:

Fx5500 has 1.4 shader and 128/256 megs of ram, should be cheap since its old.

My 5900SE is about a year and a half and will do just fine, but I have been thinking about maybe getting something more recent and faster.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Who are some good card manufacturers? I'm looking to spend $200 or less, that's enough for a good mid ranged card right, maybe even one with 256mbs ram?

Yeah 200 bucks will buy you a good card. You can grab an nvidia 6800GT I think for that now maybe? I have an EVGA 5900SE and it has served me well for almost 2 years now, albeit I have a monster aftermarket fan + heatsink installed.

If my card took a shit now here are a few options I would go with:

Radeon card

Nvidia card

under 200 bucks with 256 megs of ram from respectable manufacturers. I suggest reading the reviews and bounce specs against each other before a decision. That is my advice :)
Thanatopsis123 said:
Thanks for the help.

Perhaps we can set a server as an official meeting point for UM'ers when it comes out. :)

that would be nice, too bad I will be in shithole iraq playing real battlefield for a while.
video ram is pretty much worthless as a measure of a graphics card's performance
I don't know crap about video cards but I was just thinking about getting one with 256 ram because that is recommended by DICE. If you want to link me to some good cards Ifurin, I would appreciate it.
I got the demo and it's great. I would just hope the story would be based on ww2 or something else than the stupid good US vs bad islam. That sucks bad so i'm gonna wait for ww2 expansions if there's ever gonna be one.
I freakin bought the game and now I realized that it needs one of those specific graphics now I'm off to buy one...argh it pisses me off!
Infernium said:
I got the demo and it's great. I would just hope the story would be based on ww2 or something else than the stupid good US vs bad islam. That sucks bad so i'm gonna wait for ww2 expansions if there's ever gonna be one.

Dude its Battlefield 2, which is modernized combat..not 1942 part 2.

And smoking the middle eastern army is fun.
Got a new card and am really enjoying the game. I just wish ranked servers weren't so laggy and that I could get the battlerecorder to work.

And personally, I like pwning the US with my Chinese Spec Ops. :)
Got it yesterday, killer stuff man. So much more new stuff in this game, a great follow-up/evolution of the Battlefield series! Still have to try out the commander mode and see how that all works. Love the medic and "team" based point awarding (like pilot/drivers getting credit for being good if their passengers make kills). Awesome awesome!