Battleroar - Blood of Legends

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
First of all I had no idea these Greek warriors of epic true metal had a new album coming out and more surprisingly I had no idea that Gerrit from Sacred Steel was now on vocals. I started playing it and then I heard a familiar lilting whine and thought blimey that sounds like my old mate Gerrit from SS on vox. Can it be? And yes it surely was him! Now SS is like a guilty pleasure of mine though I hated the last album completely. I don't know what went wrong there it was truly abysmal. Anyway I like Battleroar from before so I have to give this a chance and lo and behold Gerrit is on decent form would you believe. He's holding back the screaming banshee pretty much and singing in his normal voice which is still quite bad but he's actually ok. The music is typical Battleroar epic cheese. You'll either love or hate.

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