Bavmorda to open for FIREWIND Sep. 20 @ The Pearl Room!


Jose Saladbar
Feb 12, 2007
Elgin, IL

But I thought your problem was "coming" early? :p

I get myself in those sticky situations all the time.

who else is playing this seems that there was never any openers announced. I have a bad feeling about this show....first being that Firewind are not a big draw ( I will be there for sure), it being a Thursday night, and there are so many shows that week already, Epica, Sonata, Edguy all in that 5 day period. It is going to be a great week for a power metal fan like myself but for others I hope this show does well.
I have no clue who else is opening. I actually think it's pretty cool that all those bands are coming during the same week, if anything there's a lot of local acts opening for them so that's a great opportunity for all of us to get some exposure. I almost considered taking that week off from work just to go to every single show and not kill myself (since I live in Elgin).
We'll see.
tell me about it....I took off so much time at work for all these shows. I see where you are coming from about for getting exposure but on the bussiness end, not a great move since Firewind is not a huge draw..they really need another name act opening for them to help people on the fence about the show to come. I think we are a small few who will attend all the shows that week due to financial reasons and just plain time. I will see any band I like pretty much any where, I will bitch about it but I will be there. I just think that this show is going to be the least crowded out of all the shows happening that week. Not trying to be a jerk, but I hate when a band comes over to tour and there is just local acts opening and when the attendence is down the bands thinks that Chicago is ot a good town to play or that touring the states is not worth it. Like the Therion show. Thier biggest mistake was not bringing another name act on tour with them. Weekday shows are always risky...I have seen some do great and some do not so great. Being a fan of going to shows I hate the theory most promoters have with booking. They get band A who are the headlining act and then they pack it on with local acts and then expect a great turn out. With so much competiton on things to do, people need to make the show worth going to. I have seen some great shows ruined by lack of advertising or just doing the show half assed. Look at the Alehorn of Power 1 and 2.....this show should have been packed with people, with the line up and cult status of some of the bands who played you would think that it would be very wasnt and still wont be this year. Which is sad because they are both really good line ups. Enough of my rambling.
Great news!

But your band photo doesn't make you guys look evil enough. Firewind definitely wins the tough-metal-guys-photo contest. Al just looks bored. And now he's even got that wimpy short haircut. I think you'll have to play louder to make up for that :)
