Bay-area jazzcore: Plaid Retina, Victim's Family et. al.


Hypnotist Of Ladies
Apr 9, 2002
Seattle, WA
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bands of the late 80's early 90's who combined hardcore with a distinct prog/jazz feel particularly in tricky time signatures and syncopated lines...

I am a big fan of Plaid Retina in particular, they put out three full lengths, four singles and a bunch of comp tracks on the VerySmall label..

Victim's Family was on Alternative Tentacles and wasn't quite as proggy. Maybe more of a Minuteman influence.

Anyone into this stuff?
Originally posted by frigidpony
bands of the late 80's early 90's who combined hardcore with a distinct prog/jazz feel particularly in tricky time signatures and syncopated lines...

I am a big fan of Plaid Retina in particular, they put out three full lengths, four singles and a bunch of comp tracks on the VerySmall label..

Victim's Family was on Alternative Tentacles and wasn't quite as proggy. Maybe more of a Minuteman influence.

Anyone into this stuff?

i like jazzcore only in the vein of john zorn vision!

so painkiller and naked city!

the rest fuckin' bores me to death!!

however a good group is PRELAPSE...

i can't stand dillinger escape plan ....

and i saw victim's family live and i find them only a bunch of american machos in search of their egos!

I'm necro-ing this thread because I've just discovered Plaid Retina and their Mind Tracing the Going Down is making me hard right now. Concise songwriting, jagged techy (and surprisingly metallic) riffage, and a lot of aggression. What I've heard of Victim's Family is pretty sweet too, but I haven't listened to any of their albums in full yet. I wub this sound. <3