BBC2 metal documentary Saturday June 9th


Aug 5, 2006
The Netherlands
The fourth episode of the rock history series Seven ages of rock is called Never say die: Heavy Metal. Airs between 22.10 and 23.10 hrs. Paris/Amsterdam time on BBC2.

Don't get your hopes up for a load of NWoBHM or underground stuff, though: this documentary only covers the usual suspects (Maiden, Priest, Metallica, Sabbath), which, judging from the few underground bands/releases discussed here, is probably symptomatic for English-language territories 2007 A.D. :erk:

Further info on the metal episode of Seven ages of rock can be found here:
Maybe will tape it if I think of it. Saturday there's a quit big Blues festival in my town, going to check that out for a change.
Nothing wrong with Maiden, Priest, Metallica and Sabbath.

And do you seriously expect BBC to make a documentary about some obscure 80s metal bands? There's no market for that and even if they did such a program, all the underground true metal warriors would be bitching about how "their" bands are being brought to the evil mainstream.

I'd be happy to see this documentary, hope someone uploads it to Youtube or somewhere afterwards.
Nothing wrong with Maiden, Priest, Metallica and Sabbath.

And do you seriously expect BBC to make a documentary about some obscure 80s metal bands? There's no market for that and even if they did such a program, all the underground true metal warriors would be bitching about how "their" bands are being brought to the evil mainstream.

Read that post again, please. Did I say there's anything wrong with Maiden, Priest, Sab and Metallica? It's just that these choices are so bloody obvious. A documentary filmmaker should be judged by his knowledge, research and handling of the subject matter at hand. If you pretend to make a one-hour film about metal history, you need to do your homework. Interviewing Lars from Metallica is lame, presenting Motley Crue as metal is just plain silly.

As for the 'true underground warriors bitching about how ''their'' bands are brought into the mainstream', I certainly am not of the 'true' dissing circle. I'd actually be happy to see bands like Angel Witch, Samson, Witchfynde, Holocaust, Elixir, Satan and others featured in a bonafide documentary on metal history. It makes them no less great or less underground, on the contrary: it gives them their long deserved place on the music history timeline.

Even as a lifelong punk hater I thought the episode on punk was okay; nothing special, but entertaining nonetheless. The rare footage is the most interesting thing about this series anyway.

What I think is a real disgrace to the Beeb, is the Jools Holland show. Every crappy NY singer-songwriter, has-been blues/soul star and two-chords-worth Kinks imitation from West-Yorkshire gets to do their little, instantly forgettable thing. But never EVER has a metal band been featured on the programme.
I'm just saying that a documentary about metal without the emphasis on Maiden, Priest etc. would be like an overview of WW2 without mentioning Hitler and Stalin. If it's a 60min episode of a larger BBC documentary series about rock music, they'll have to concentrate on the big boys and larger trends in metal. Their audience is everyone and maybe 0.2% of the viewers are even remotely interested in bands like Raven. Most people know who Maiden are though and that's just the way it goes.

That being said, I'd love to see some filmmaker do documentaries on power metal, 80s metal scenes in Germany and USA or anything more specific like that. The "Headbanger's Journey" -film was pretty well received I guess so there's market for that stuff, just be sure that it's not BBC who will be making those films because it is after all an area of marginal interest.

That "metal warrior" thing wasn't meant as a personal attack on you or anyone, just some random ranting (lack of coffeine in the system ;))
I'd love to see some filmmaker do documentaries on power metal, 80s metal scenes in Germany and USA or anything more specific like that.
This would be awesome:kickass:

Hopefully Australia's ABC will show the BBC doco, I'll tune in:rock: