Beat Detective After Guitars are tracked

Grave Desire

Mar 10, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
I was given a project after guitars have been tracked and have been asked to track the vocals and extra stuff..then mix. I was kind of bummed when I got the project with alot of the timing issues..and I'd like to use beat detective to fix it up.

I'd consider myself OK at beat detective..but i've never had to use it when the guitars have already been tracked..there are no DI's so All I have is the Distorted tracks..which don't have much transient material.

So what I did was use the close mics to generate Beat Markers..then Shift click the regions for the overhead's..then the guitars also. Then I conformed, fill and faded. The timing is way better now, but with the guitars.. especially when they are solo'd..I hear few weird noises(not clicks that come from bad fades). I'm pretty sure this came from using the Fill and fade on the guitars.

I mean the final results are OK and it's not too noticeable in the mix, but I'd hope to not have to settle for what I got now.

Just curious to see if you guys have any tricks or better ideas to help me out.