Beat Detective/Tightening Guitar Trax


Jul 21, 2009
So im tracking guitars in ProTools and im doubling my parts. Im a very tight player, and the tracks are tight, but they still sound like two guitars. What is the proper way to sync up the tracks with Beat Detective so they sound as one? Any good tutorials?
post a sample please!
maybe you're not such a tight player as you think (not meaning it offensive) !:)

ok...ive never posted a do i take a sample out of my mix and turn it into an example i can post?
Then the only possibility is the playing isnt quite as tight as you think. Rarely does any guitar tracks need quantizing, especially being double tracked you can get away with things a little more than say quad tracking.
+1 for example. Unless you have DI'ed guitars its going to be near impossible to beat detective them, considering transients will be much harder to detect (unless everything is picked). If you have DI'ed guitars, you can BD or EA and reamp..
So you want 2 guitars to sound like 1? mmmkay. why not just have 1 guitar? Problem solved. Or if you really want 1 guitar sound but must have two tracks, make them mono and bring the levels of one of them down.