beautiful :) ... :)

why is it that ppl who have religious beliefs feel the need to make sure they push it on to others, do you see me tryin to force feed you with chocolate and doughnuts, no you dont!! so why the big bible bashin for us hey??
Ya know, what I'd really love to do to the Bible-thumping, preachy, Christian zealots what the Romans did to their beloved Christ...and crucify them for being so goddamn annoying! :D

Really, kids; if you have your religious beliefs and they get you through the day and help you sleep soundly through the night, great. But keep your religion to yourself. :)
gatedropper said:
I'd like to fuck a monkey


there you go then :D
----- Original Message -----
From: "cqmman" <>
Newsgroups: alt.atheism
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 22:51

>"Apostle Thomas Batchelor" <> wrote in message
> news:912ac$41814a81$3fbac8a2$
>>Friends, if you would like for me to preach and minister to you and
>>your group, write me at
>>and thank you friends.
>>Apostle Thomas Batchelor.

> Hi,
> Yes, I would love to hear you preach. Can I meet you in Falluja in about two
> days time? If I am not there, just start without me.. Anywhere will do..
> Main street for example..
Yea, I would really hate it if when I did kick the bucket, that all
their bullshit that they spew forth actually comes true.:(