The deal was just done...he'll play for the LA Galaxy (which I figured cuz I don't see him moving to Kansas City)
Major League Soccer: News: 01/11/2007
Major League Soccer: News: 01/11/2007
And so the Beckham circus rolls on. What a cunt. If he had any dignity he'd be trying to play at his best, trying to win his place back in the England side. But he and his dozy wife are now leaving the dream in LA and he's basically whoring himself to the highest bidder in the worst league possible, so that he and his twat of a wife can be near their big Hollywood (cunts) buddies. It's not about the football, its about the fucking joke that is brand-Beckham. What has he done since leaving Man U? Fuck all.
I hate this celebrity bullshit world in which we live, the majority of which are worthless shit-cunts.
Not jealous at all then? I'd bone his thick wife rotten!
So she wants him to move to the US and make shit loads of money who cares dosen't bother me.
Guy was probably the only England player in years to acctualy play for England and give a shit, and try his heart out!
Good on ya Becks. It was good watchin ya.
Not jealous - just sick of celebrity bullshit etc. Especially when it comes to footballers. It's the poor fans that usually get ripped off something rotten to follow and pay for these cunts. Good example being the England twats in the last world cup. So above their own platform it was ridiculous!!!
Good god man, don't let it bother you. You don't know them personly do you, don't watch them if it bothers you that much, stay away from news and telly.
Go and do something more interesting instead, Yes celebrities are twats but they'll die just like the rest of us, so just let them do there thing, with out getting so worked up.
I hope The Reds'll kick their ass in this season......FC Barcelona: Currently the best soccer team in the world...
I fucking hate football, thats why im a die hard Aberdeen fan
Absolutely agree but you won a champions cup (not champions league) in 1983 against Real Madrid in Malmö with amazing forward Gordon Strachan and coach Sir Alex Ferguson. You have to be proud of it, you beat the best football team in the world (in spite of the last three years)