Beckoning review in Mental Hampster

Diamond Dave

Sheep in Kiss makeup
Apr 18, 2001
Bristol, England
They reviewed "Beckoning Of The Dead" (yes, I know), said that you should be outside shagging and pissing off policemen rather than listening to it because it's miserable and sounds exactly like Helloween. 4/10

Beyond The Pale Existance doesn't sound much like Helloween to me though :confused:
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if the 'leading' magazines (as in the ones which all the mini metallers waste their parent's money on) aren't willing to offer a decent amount of space to top bands then it's their loss

as for the 54 review, was it written by someone who is normally into nu-metal? remember when there was that crap a little while back cos one of MH's writers had insulted blaze with an article that 'slipped through the net'
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i thought 5ive had split (or have a rock/metal act acquired the name now?)

have seen 2 other appauling reviews for the album (one of them is on the 54 site) and in both cases the reviewer hates the album cos they aren't fans of the genre
Bunch of gets. (not yous, the MH lot!)

Helloween? LEts get this straight, i cant stand Helloween - too cheesy. But the tracks ive heard live of the new album feckin ROCK, so how can it be similar? As Dan says the reviewer usually chooses Nu-Metal n stuf as his deisered style, so why choose 54 now? He expect rap?
Methinx they dont know taste when they hear it. Ill still buy the album on the release date, and see them as many times as i humanly can/work allows this tour, as i know theyre one of England finest.

Thats not bias - thats self knowledge in the fact i have good taste.
Those reviews suck! I agree with the dis-liking of the art work though :erk: It aint too bad though. It has the 'Metallica" thing going on with the lightening from the writing n stuff but still, that aint important! The thing that is important is the music and we know 54 wont let us down coz they just kick too much ass :p

And I'll be lookin out for a review off one of these punks in their crappy magz when 54 break through (surely it's only a matter of time?!) No doubt saying "Well i was into 54 before the release of Beckoning and now to see them in the New York Yankee Stadium,packed out, is just a dream come true" lamers :p

:hotjump: 54 4eva :hotjump:
3 years ive waited for this album.. three years of people tellin me that they think they suck .. but in that time so many more people have listened to them and liked .. all they need is people to promote them and give others the impression that they are worth checkin out and they will, at which point people will realise that they ROCK!
Anyone who really takes in to account anythin written in a magazine before hearing the music and makin their opinion from that isnt worth their weight in metal anyway.
I think I was actually slightly prejuidiced against 54 before I first heard them - it was kind of "ok, I've heard a fair bit about you, come on, impress me. If you can, live up to what I've heard."

Sadly MH didn't mention much about the music apart from the Helloween bit. And even though I'm not a fan of Helloween, I'll admit that they have released some very good music in their time (and a fair bit of really poor stuff too).
just put it on again (at louder volume) and it's even better than what i first thought

this album :headbang:

can't wait for the new tour