Been a while

I missed you so much!!!!111 Why weren't you around anyways? I know you were telling me how your grandma flipped her corvette and was in the hospital seriously injured, she didn't die or anything did she?
Wolftribe said:

ahh, so that's why she's upset. return her calls, asshole. :p

dead6skin6mask6 said:
same ole same ole

cool, cool. How is the band coming along?

Pyrus said:

Hey Brett. What's crackalackin?

Some old man. How is college going? :wave:

Maharet said:
hey Brettalicious! :wave:

Hey! I just got into alice in chains and i know at some point they were recommended by you. Fucking brilliant band and one of the last good mainstream acts. :worship:

Tee said:

Teeee!! How's my favorite croatian? :wave: