Been watching these vids lately (cannibal Corpse in the studio)


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
I'm positive these will be old news by now, but I'm just reminding anyone how kickass they are. I love studio videos, this one being no exception.

This one's actually one of the better ones I've seen, as they really take you through the gear and the processes, unlike most other studio vids where they tend to keep it almost hidden, or at least don't go into any detail on it..

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real musicianship, alex webster rules

Some of the stuff with corpsegrinder reminds me alot of recording the vocals for cleansed. Not being able to physically pronounce words as fast as I needed to and having spaz attacks. Good times, good times.
Really digging these videos, watched them like 20 times
@Gareth, I really know what you mean, had that problem with a song from my old band,
especially when we started to play it live and I had like 20 seconds of fast growling, one
like 10 seconds long scream and than the first time to breath again, had to try along time
and different techniques to really get that part right and not passing away...
made an svx preset modeled after websters settings here on his svt4-pro. great video, watched the dvd plenty of times. centuries of torment was also an amazing dvd but 3 hours is extremely long so I have to be in the mood to watch that in one sitting