What a weekend we've had! BOLTON LIVE MUSIC + DRINKING FESTIVAL was a storming success, and one of the best gigs we've EVER played - the cover of Lamb Of God's "Redneck" particularly went down a storm, and we had a great response for our latest and more mellow track "Hidden Feelings"! Thanks so much to everyone who stuck around and had a good mosh for us! We appreciate it! Pictures should be uploaded soon to www.myspace.com/displacement (CHEERS CHRIS!!!)
We've got some great gigs coming up that we're really looking forward to playing:
Firstly, this Thursday we're down at the METAL MAYHEM fest @ The Yorkshire House in Lancaster with our mates in DEAD TO SIN, also Myolnir + a few others are gonna rip the place up. We had a storm when we played there in April so we're buzzin off a return visit!
At the end of the month, we're on at the Music Box in Manchester with our drinking buddies in STRAIN and BLINDSIGHT! I think there's 5 bands on in total and tickets are on sale NOW at just a Fiver, so please make an effort to come down - www.wegottickets.com/event/19321 to buy.
The day after, we're down in Coalville (Leicester way) at the HARD DRIVE ROCK FESTIVAL - we've been waiting for this for months and we're well excited about being a part of such a great event. The event is 100% FREE and we will organise a coach if there's enough interest from our local friends and fans!
We're also currently selling tickets for our Satan's Hollow gig on Sun 29th July, and they're just FOUR QUID, which is a bargain. We're playing with Black River Project, Subliminal Fear, Neandertahl and Eyeful of I!
And one final mention for now is the fantastic FREE outdoor festival at Leverhulme Park on Sat 4th August - make sure you're down cos we're the only metal band on and we wanna get a proper pit going!
We've got loads more gigs coming up, please see www.myspace.com/displacement for full up-to-date info. We're always hungry for more gigs so if you think you can get us on in your town, please get in touch!
The "DEMONS AT THE DOOR" CD is still selling pretty well - if you've still not got a copy you can order them through www.myspace.com/displacement . Our summer promo CD should also be released this month through Bleeding Heart Records, as well as a sampler that the label are compiling, so keep yer eyes peeled for availability!
Lastly, we didn't do a June Newsletter as we've been mega busy, but Congrats from all the band to MIKE and SOPHIE, who got engaged on the 27th May - nice one!
That's all we have to say for now really: As always we really appreciate your support, no doubt we'll see you all soon at the bar!
Ben, Colin, Adam, Mike + Karl
Thurs 5th July The Yorkshire House, Lancaster
Sat 7th July The Met, Bury (may be cancelled)
Fri 20th July Music Box, Manchester
Sat 21st July Hard Drive Rock Fest, Leicestershire
Sat 28th July The Head, Bradford
Sun 29th July Satan's Hollow, Manchester
Thurs 2nd Aug The Intake Club, Mansfield
Sat 4th Aug Leverhulme Park Festival, Bolton
Thurs 9th Aug The Gasworks, Huddersfield
Sun 16th Sep Satan's Hollow, Manchester
Sun 11th Nov ALMAGEDDON FEST, Bolton
Sat 8th Dec DIMEBAG MEMORIAL 2007, Bolton
www.myspace.com/displacement for full info
(For bookings, please 07890 930 707 or reply to this email!)
BOOTH'S MUSIC SHOP: Quality Music Store - www.boothsmusic.co.uk
GASH COLLECTIVE: Organisers of many Gigs, All-nighters and Partys - www.gashcollective.com
BOLTON METAL ALLIANCE: Organisers of ace gigs in Bolton - www.myspace.com/boltonmetal
BOLTON COLLECTIVE FORUM: Useful music forum - www.boltonmusic.co.uk/forum
STRAIN: Heavy as fuck Stoner Groove - www.myspace.com/strainmetal
SQUALBALKUS: Sub-Bass Grindcore Sickness - www.squalbalkus.tk
BLADEN: New Bolton dudes - www.myspace.com/bladenmetal
SEE RED: Melodic old gits - www.myspace.com/seeredmetal
DREAM ATLANTIC: Heavy Bolton metal - www.myspace.com/dreamatlanticmusic
BLUDGEONED: Bolton Metal Heads - www.myspace.com/bludgeonedmetal
ALLERJEN: Brutal Manchester lads - www.allerjen.com
DEAD TO SIN: Lancaster thrashers - www.myspace.com/deadtosin
BLINDSIGHT: Hardcore-influenced Wrexham Metal - www.myspace.com/blindsightzone
MENDEED: Awesome Metal Band from Glasgow - www.myspace.com/mendeed
BLEEDING HEART RECORDS: Independant label for up + coming bands - www.myspace.com/bleedingheartrecordz
TVR PROMOTIONS: Manchester Rock + Metal promo company - www.myspace.com/totally_vacant_response
BLACK MAMBA: Dedicated Metal + Rock promoters - www.blackmambapromotions.com
NORTHERN METAL WEB: Very useful web site based in Bradford - www.northernmetalweb.co.uk
WIGAN MUSIC COLLECTIVE: www.wiganmusic.com
LANCASHIRE MUSIC COLLECTIVE: Music Collective based in Skem + Ormskirk - www.lancashiremusiccollective.com
NORT WEST BANDS: Useful directory of Lancashire Bands + Venues - www.northwestbands.co.uk
CORRUPTED: Very dedicated Metal collective based in Blackburn - www.myspace.com/wearecorrupted
DOG ON A STRING: Music site based in Morcambe - www.dogonastring.co.uk
METAL UK: Heavy Metal News, Reviews + Forum in the UK - www.metaluk.com
SOUND SHED: Resourceful Music Site - www.soundshed.com
MEGALITH: Heavy Music Forum - www.themegalith.com
ROCK 3 RADIO: www.rock3.co.uk
RAW NERVE: Heavy Music Promotions Company - www.rawnervepromotions.co.uk
CYPHER MUSIC: Yorkshire Music Forum - www.cyphermusic.net
ULTIMATE METAL: Useful worldwide metal site - www.ultimatemetal.com
HEADBANG: Online metal zine - www.headbang.co.uk
BLOODSTOCK: The UK's No. 1 Metal Fest - www.bloodstock.uk.com
Please check www.myspace.com/displacement for proper up-to-date news - we update it daily if we can!

What a weekend we've had! BOLTON LIVE MUSIC + DRINKING FESTIVAL was a storming success, and one of the best gigs we've EVER played - the cover of Lamb Of God's "Redneck" particularly went down a storm, and we had a great response for our latest and more mellow track "Hidden Feelings"! Thanks so much to everyone who stuck around and had a good mosh for us! We appreciate it! Pictures should be uploaded soon to www.myspace.com/displacement (CHEERS CHRIS!!!)
We've got some great gigs coming up that we're really looking forward to playing:
Firstly, this Thursday we're down at the METAL MAYHEM fest @ The Yorkshire House in Lancaster with our mates in DEAD TO SIN, also Myolnir + a few others are gonna rip the place up. We had a storm when we played there in April so we're buzzin off a return visit!
At the end of the month, we're on at the Music Box in Manchester with our drinking buddies in STRAIN and BLINDSIGHT! I think there's 5 bands on in total and tickets are on sale NOW at just a Fiver, so please make an effort to come down - www.wegottickets.com/event/19321 to buy.
The day after, we're down in Coalville (Leicester way) at the HARD DRIVE ROCK FESTIVAL - we've been waiting for this for months and we're well excited about being a part of such a great event. The event is 100% FREE and we will organise a coach if there's enough interest from our local friends and fans!
We're also currently selling tickets for our Satan's Hollow gig on Sun 29th July, and they're just FOUR QUID, which is a bargain. We're playing with Black River Project, Subliminal Fear, Neandertahl and Eyeful of I!
And one final mention for now is the fantastic FREE outdoor festival at Leverhulme Park on Sat 4th August - make sure you're down cos we're the only metal band on and we wanna get a proper pit going!
We've got loads more gigs coming up, please see www.myspace.com/displacement for full up-to-date info. We're always hungry for more gigs so if you think you can get us on in your town, please get in touch!
The "DEMONS AT THE DOOR" CD is still selling pretty well - if you've still not got a copy you can order them through www.myspace.com/displacement . Our summer promo CD should also be released this month through Bleeding Heart Records, as well as a sampler that the label are compiling, so keep yer eyes peeled for availability!
Lastly, we didn't do a June Newsletter as we've been mega busy, but Congrats from all the band to MIKE and SOPHIE, who got engaged on the 27th May - nice one!

That's all we have to say for now really: As always we really appreciate your support, no doubt we'll see you all soon at the bar!
Ben, Colin, Adam, Mike + Karl
Thurs 5th July The Yorkshire House, Lancaster
Sat 7th July The Met, Bury (may be cancelled)
Fri 20th July Music Box, Manchester
Sat 21st July Hard Drive Rock Fest, Leicestershire
Sat 28th July The Head, Bradford
Sun 29th July Satan's Hollow, Manchester
Thurs 2nd Aug The Intake Club, Mansfield
Sat 4th Aug Leverhulme Park Festival, Bolton
Thurs 9th Aug The Gasworks, Huddersfield
Sun 16th Sep Satan's Hollow, Manchester
Sun 11th Nov ALMAGEDDON FEST, Bolton
Sat 8th Dec DIMEBAG MEMORIAL 2007, Bolton
www.myspace.com/displacement for full info
(For bookings, please 07890 930 707 or reply to this email!)
BOOTH'S MUSIC SHOP: Quality Music Store - www.boothsmusic.co.uk
GASH COLLECTIVE: Organisers of many Gigs, All-nighters and Partys - www.gashcollective.com
BOLTON METAL ALLIANCE: Organisers of ace gigs in Bolton - www.myspace.com/boltonmetal
BOLTON COLLECTIVE FORUM: Useful music forum - www.boltonmusic.co.uk/forum
STRAIN: Heavy as fuck Stoner Groove - www.myspace.com/strainmetal
SQUALBALKUS: Sub-Bass Grindcore Sickness - www.squalbalkus.tk
BLADEN: New Bolton dudes - www.myspace.com/bladenmetal
SEE RED: Melodic old gits - www.myspace.com/seeredmetal
DREAM ATLANTIC: Heavy Bolton metal - www.myspace.com/dreamatlanticmusic
BLUDGEONED: Bolton Metal Heads - www.myspace.com/bludgeonedmetal
ALLERJEN: Brutal Manchester lads - www.allerjen.com
DEAD TO SIN: Lancaster thrashers - www.myspace.com/deadtosin
BLINDSIGHT: Hardcore-influenced Wrexham Metal - www.myspace.com/blindsightzone
MENDEED: Awesome Metal Band from Glasgow - www.myspace.com/mendeed
BLEEDING HEART RECORDS: Independant label for up + coming bands - www.myspace.com/bleedingheartrecordz
TVR PROMOTIONS: Manchester Rock + Metal promo company - www.myspace.com/totally_vacant_response
BLACK MAMBA: Dedicated Metal + Rock promoters - www.blackmambapromotions.com
NORTHERN METAL WEB: Very useful web site based in Bradford - www.northernmetalweb.co.uk
WIGAN MUSIC COLLECTIVE: www.wiganmusic.com
LANCASHIRE MUSIC COLLECTIVE: Music Collective based in Skem + Ormskirk - www.lancashiremusiccollective.com
NORT WEST BANDS: Useful directory of Lancashire Bands + Venues - www.northwestbands.co.uk
CORRUPTED: Very dedicated Metal collective based in Blackburn - www.myspace.com/wearecorrupted
DOG ON A STRING: Music site based in Morcambe - www.dogonastring.co.uk
METAL UK: Heavy Metal News, Reviews + Forum in the UK - www.metaluk.com
SOUND SHED: Resourceful Music Site - www.soundshed.com
MEGALITH: Heavy Music Forum - www.themegalith.com
ROCK 3 RADIO: www.rock3.co.uk
RAW NERVE: Heavy Music Promotions Company - www.rawnervepromotions.co.uk
CYPHER MUSIC: Yorkshire Music Forum - www.cyphermusic.net
ULTIMATE METAL: Useful worldwide metal site - www.ultimatemetal.com
HEADBANG: Online metal zine - www.headbang.co.uk
BLOODSTOCK: The UK's No. 1 Metal Fest - www.bloodstock.uk.com
Please check www.myspace.com/displacement for proper up-to-date news - we update it daily if we can!