Beer, Slayer & Bus -- The August Adventure Thread


you guys are really tempting me on this one ... if I go, will defientelly drive, as it would be great to do that cross country trip I always wanted to do in conjunction with this.

where's my packages? :loco:
I got shit lying around my living room to ship to you momo's and need a return address :lol:
All I can say is :headbang:

I was planning on heading up that way in March but now I'll just wait until August. Hit up Frisco, Seattle, and Vancouver. Stops inbetween optional, if anyone wants to lure me in their direction just use beer. :tickled:
This thread is about maren's trip to canada in august. And NAD and Lurch (WHO BOTH BETTER COME) coming up for a visit.

Lurch, if you come, i'm sure I can con you a bed.


in the timeless words.

DOOOOOO ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lurch you need to come because otherwise I'm gonna be like Bart when Milhouse got a girlfriend, them two are gonna be smoochin' and I need someone to entertain me. :loco:
snow2fall said:
I'll bring German beer. :loco:

I'll be stopping through Bend, Oregon, and will bring a few cases. Some of the best beer in the world is brewed there.
it would be great to do this trip with a female companion ... need to get to work on that as of now.
would hate to see you two snuggle bunnies (not nad and CA) have all the fun :loco:
Actually yeah, I would love to bring a female companion as well, but I can't exactly judge where I'll be with that in 6 months. Probably still single. :dopey:

I went on lots of roadtrips with that asian bint, man that was a lot of fun. RoadHEAAAAAAAAADDDDD!!!
oh wait ... I am supposed to be in the middle of preparations for a certain RC fest at that time ... did I say that out loud?

So is that really happening then? Let me know if ya'll get any good bands and I might show up. :loco:
well things are somewhat progressing ... I think we have somewhat realistic numbers for financing ... we are looking at some venues at this point. if all falls into place ... and we can score the dough ... we go ahead.

probably an October affair.