before join backstagemetal compilation

sorry i forgot to unmute reverb and delay. My cubase seems stop at the middle when mixdown this song
lead guitars way to loud in the intro, vocals should come up,drums need work they're really dry.
I'll let others have a stab at it because there is alot that needs doing, no offence
lead guitars way to loud in the intro, vocals should come up,drums need work they're really dry.
I'll let others have a stab at it because there is alot that needs doing, no offence

thank you! i will upload updated version

how about the music?
The music itself is ok, the vocals need work and you need to get levels between the gang vocals,backing vocals and leads all relative to one another,
Leads loudest
Gang vocals a few Db's quieter
and the backings should be underneath the lead vocals and just augmenting the song

Also you might want to edit out the the ends of the riffs and stuff, so it's silent because you can hear your hands getting bored and just hitting the strings lightly :lol:
The music itself is ok, the vocals need work and you need to get levels between the gang vocals,backing vocals and leads all relative to one another,
Leads loudest
Gang vocals a few Db's quieter
and the backings should be underneath the lead vocals and just augmenting the song

Also you might want to edit out the the ends of the riffs and stuff, so it's silent because you can hear your hands getting bored and just hitting the strings lightly :lol:

on what minute my hand hit the string? your ears are fucking sensitive :D