Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel_(Instrumental cover)


Oct 12, 2014
Once again, a cover song, now from Behemoth.

I think that this is the best mix I have ever done.
But my speakers aren't good so I can't be 100% sure about it...

Guitars quad tracked with PodFarm
Bass.....Only power-amp and compressor from podfarm.
Drums with Reaper's ReaSamplomatic5000 sampleplayers
Sound-FX with Reason Limited

Edit: Drum and synth midi are from Guitar-Pro file (

Any feedback?


EDIT_2: RAW tracks:
Sounds really good! I like it. Drums are nicely programmed except for the snare rolls near the end could do with improving. Share your raws if you dare :)
Thanks! I need better samples for snare...But it's hard to find samples that A: sound good + B: has enough velocities. All those only hard hit samples are quite useless in my opinion.
This mix was some kind of compromise between those A and B. But I try to replace that snare later with something more realistic, maybe record my own samples finally.

Ideas how to mic snare to get that kind of sound that was in this mix? I have always had problems with snare recording...

And yes I maybe upload raw tracks later (4xGuitar, Bass, midi, FX...)
I have no experience recording a drum kit. I use the Slate kits which have a load of velocity layers for the snare so it's easy to get a hard or soft hitting sound.

Yeah please upload the raws. Would like to try a remix with the kemper and the slate kit.
Thanks for the raaaws.
My mix. Only dual tracked to avoiding phasey guitars.

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I know it, but I get a chorused effect when all guitars are playing, so I've decided to sacrifice 2 guitars because I'm mixing just for fun.