BEHEMOTH "...From The Pagan Vastlands" CD


Jun 11, 2004
To receive info on how to obtain this CD (along with other NAZGULS EYRIE titles further down the road) without getting skinned on eGay proceed to and sign up for the mailing list there. Further detail will be disclosed through the mailing list on March 31st 2006. Spread this message to everyone who might be interested.
And maybe because ...From The Pagan Vastlands is the album that he actually released when Behemoth still played relatively good Black Metal, and not Grom.
I don't dislike Grom, it just pales in comparison to the rest of their Black Metal catalogue. Also, I think I prefer this to Sventevith as well.
J. said:
both eras are equally average. who cares.

Average? Fuck off. Behemoth have a unique sound (in their death metal era at least) which alone is enough to void them being 'average'. Dont say IN MY OPINION as a response, thats just an excuse for lack of a valid argument.
Pull The Plug said:
Average? Fuck off. Behemoth have a unique sound (in their death metal era at least) which alone is enough to void them being 'average'. Dont say IN MY OPINION as a response, thats just an excuse for lack of a valid argument.

Unique? You obviously don't listen to a lot of death metal. Come back when you've graduated.
Who sounds exactly like Behemoth then? There are of course always going to be "similar" sounding bands, but if you heard a Behemoth song and didnt actually know who the song was by, i'm sure you could identify it as a Behemoth song. Meaning they have their own unique sound.
Pull The Plug said:
Who sounds exactly like Behemoth then? There are of course always going to be "similar" sounding bands, but if you heard a Behemoth song and didnt actually know who the song was by, i'm sure you could identify it as a Behemoth song. Meaning they have their own unique sound.

By this rationale, every band is unique in their own way. This hardly makes a band above average.

Sorry to be the one to tell you Behemoth is average. We all have to face the truth some time, though.