Behemoth Show Tonight

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
I know most of you aren't fans, and even myself I'm a bigger fan of their older stuff.... however, this is their chance to enlighten me :p

So tomorow should be fun, i'm sleeping on a picnic table at school, waking up from my cellphone alarm and going to class hungover, generally unslept and 50-90% deaf. Should be a doozy!
I always seem to miss behemoth when they come around here. Or they play with shitty bands, such as Himsa and Agony scene at Jaxx last week.
"From the Pagan Wastelands" is really good! As are "The Return of the Northern Moon". I want to hear "And the Forests Dream Eternally", but I can't find it anywhere...
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
So tomorow should be fun, i'm sleeping on a picnic table at school, waking up from my cellphone alarm and going to class hungover, generally unslept and 50-90% deaf. Should be a doozy!

i cancelled my cellphone a few months ago but still use the alarm every morning. too cheap to buy a $5 alarm clock i guess.
i use my computer for an alarm clock at home, when i'm not at home... i stick it on loud and vibrate and sleep with my face on it. It scares the shit out of me, but wakes me up.

hurray for 40 hour days (shit to do after school tomorow, namely: studying).
Seen Behemoth last Saturday on that clusterfuck metalcore tour Danzig was throwing. Good shit, but it was sad watching an arena filled with people who never heared of them throw up the horns as if they were there to see them. I left as soon as they were done. The attendees annoyed me.
cool. Let's hope tonight rocks then. I wish I had a friend who liked this kind of music to go to these shows with me though, it sucks to go alone. But oh well.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
cool. Let's hope tonight rocks then. I wish I had a friend who liked this kind of music to go to these shows with me though, it sucks to go alone. But oh well.

Same here, theres one guy from New Mexico on this board besides me and thats it. Weve been to all the same shows but never met.
Descention was a mediocre band, had a few foot tapping moments and thats it. necronomicon wasn't toooo bad, but wasn't that great either. Behemoth fucking slayed my ass. as well as kneed my face (literally, but by accident :p). I was right up at the front between Nergal and the bass player.

Some highlights (i'll do a better one when I've slept a bit and am posting the pictures):
- Behemoth's illegally parked RV
- Necronomicon's illegally parked Van parked in a bus stop
- The dude towing allthe cars in the area, causing the bands to panic
- Talking to Nergal while they setup (with dance music playing until somebody found a CD with some metal on it, LOL)
- Talking to Nergal while taking a piss (europe doesn't follow the urinal etiquette rules?) and them throwing decade to therion on to the setlist cause I said i wanted to hear it. (some song from demigod was crossed off the lsit and this written in, Their setlist was taped on the floor in front of me, the bastard to my right was bigger than me and he took it though)
- Some chick buying me a drink, making out with me and grinding her ass on me in order for me to let her squeeze in with me so she could (try to)fondle the band members. But only succeeded in keeping them away from her. chown-ed.
sounds like a great night!

you and Tully need to have some contest on who gets the most chicks in one month
what is it with clubs always playing inappropriate music between and sometimes DURING bands?!?! one time i saw opeth, they had the house music playing the entire fucking time! you could only hear it during quiet parts but still, it was fucking annoying.
@lurch: I'm sure tully wins hands down. but he's like some sort of hero to me almost.

@nad: Yeah, this was only for about 15 mins after they started letting people in, nobody even thought about it. nergal went to the RV and grabbed a CD :p
fucking christ. i'm sitting here in class with gutrot cause I haven't eaten yet, starting to get a hangover cause I haven't had a chance to drink much yet and I'm sooooo fucking tired. I started to sleep outside the school but I was scaring the cleaning people so I got to sleep in the security office, then they brought me coffee and asked if I wanted anything from their macdonald's run. have a bigmac meal supersized. Ate that, slept for 2 hours before class.