Olympic Recordings - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon
Continuing the sound first explored in Satanica and in Thelema.6, Zos Kia Cultus is the latest offering by the Polish death metal band Behemoth. This latest platter from Nergal (guitars & vocals), Havoc (guitars), Novy (session bassist) and Inferno (drums) might not be the most original album, shades of Morbid Angel and Nile are to be found throughout the album, but due to the crushing guitars, powerful drumming, ferocious vocals and a great production Zos Kia Cultus is definitely one of the best death metal albums released in the past twelve months.
Diversity is key in creating a truly excellent record and Behemoth manage to treat us with songs that are both slow and powerful and fast and relentless. The first song "Horns OV Baphomet" starts slowly with a crushing chugging riff, speeds up to a heavy middle part and then goes right back to the original riff that is joined by an eastern and slithery lead. "As Above So Below" follows the slower tempo, has a distinct groove to it and is dominated by Inferno's excellent pounding double-bass drums. "Blackest Ov the Black" is one of the faster songs and it features an amazing riff during the verses, probably my favorite of the album. "Modern Iconoclasts" is an insanely fast song with a thrashier approach. The title track is also of note as it starts of with march-like drumming, features some of the best solos in the album, has truly ferocious singing and the part that begins at 2:47 at first with the guitars and then joined by the drums is freaking awesome. It just does not get any better than this.
The ability of Behemoth to vary tempos throughout the album is the real strength of Zos Kia Cultus. It makes the listening experience that much more enjoyable. There really isn't that much more to say about this awesome death metal release. After being released in Europe last year, we here in North America finally get the chance to listen to this gem and I hope many of you take the opportunity to do so.
Olympic Recordings Website
Behemoth Official Website
Olympic Recordings - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon

Continuing the sound first explored in Satanica and in Thelema.6, Zos Kia Cultus is the latest offering by the Polish death metal band Behemoth. This latest platter from Nergal (guitars & vocals), Havoc (guitars), Novy (session bassist) and Inferno (drums) might not be the most original album, shades of Morbid Angel and Nile are to be found throughout the album, but due to the crushing guitars, powerful drumming, ferocious vocals and a great production Zos Kia Cultus is definitely one of the best death metal albums released in the past twelve months.
Diversity is key in creating a truly excellent record and Behemoth manage to treat us with songs that are both slow and powerful and fast and relentless. The first song "Horns OV Baphomet" starts slowly with a crushing chugging riff, speeds up to a heavy middle part and then goes right back to the original riff that is joined by an eastern and slithery lead. "As Above So Below" follows the slower tempo, has a distinct groove to it and is dominated by Inferno's excellent pounding double-bass drums. "Blackest Ov the Black" is one of the faster songs and it features an amazing riff during the verses, probably my favorite of the album. "Modern Iconoclasts" is an insanely fast song with a thrashier approach. The title track is also of note as it starts of with march-like drumming, features some of the best solos in the album, has truly ferocious singing and the part that begins at 2:47 at first with the guitars and then joined by the drums is freaking awesome. It just does not get any better than this.
The ability of Behemoth to vary tempos throughout the album is the real strength of Zos Kia Cultus. It makes the listening experience that much more enjoyable. There really isn't that much more to say about this awesome death metal release. After being released in Europe last year, we here in North America finally get the chance to listen to this gem and I hope many of you take the opportunity to do so.
Olympic Recordings Website
Behemoth Official Website