Behemoth's Nergal - Rob Darken is an internet warrior: nothing.

At least they don't sound like a Zyklon rip off anymore. Now they just rip off Anthrax (Conquer All = Be All, End All).
Fuck it, Behemoth are okay. And that guy from Graveland called Nergal a "scoundrel".
Q: I noticed the usage of ‘v’ instead of ‘f’ in song titles, why is that?!

A: Why not? That’s the perfect answer. Its avant-guardish. It gives it a mystical approach, and its very unusual. Instead of doing something everyone does, it’s a bit different from everyone else. There are a few bands that use it, that use ‘v’ instead of ‘f’, but not many. Some occult societies use it too.
oh wow
Excellent albums Darken has contributed to if not created singularly in some cases:
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
Graveland - The Celtic Winter
Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil
Lord Wind - Forgotten Songs

Excellent albums Nergal has contributed to:

None. Granted, there is some Behemoth that is pretty good, but none even reaches the level of some of Darken's work that I left off. That he says darken hasn't done half of what he has and "its Rob Darken, I mean who the fucks that?" is humorous in its absurdity. Rob Darken has done 20 times what Nergal has. A better question is who the fuck is Nergal? The answer to that is some guy who exists in Rob Darken's shadow.
Not in the popular world, which is what Nergal was referring to. It is hardly questionable that Behemoth's popularity exceeds that of Graveland's, regardless of the quality of the material. In that respect, I echo him in saying "Rob Darken, who the [fuck is] that?"
Good interview. Nergal's correct in avoiding petty squabbles. It's stupid to rant at each other like children. The music business is just that...a business. People should all try to keep it professional. If you don't like one band and/or person then so what? That's your prerogative. Just shut the fuck up about it and don't make an ass out of yourself.
I happen to like both Behemoth and Graveland. It's the music that matters most after all.
Darth Kur said:
Good interview. Nergal's correct in avoiding petty squabbles. It's stupid to rant at each other like children. The music business is just that...a business. People should all try to keep it professional. If you don't like one band and/or person then so what? That's your prerogative. Just shut the fuck up about it and don't make an ass out of yourself.
I happen to like both Behemoth and Graveland. It's the music that matters most after all.

*reads interview*

Well, i didn't know who Nergal is up until now, cuz i don't really remember the names of the members of the band. I like both bands, and both of them fighting is not good. But i pretty much like Graveland over Behemoth. It's just not right to say "do half of what i did"
Rob Darken is such an asshat. Why even take him seriously when 95% of what he says is ridiculous hyperbole? I'm not defending the Behemoth guy either but Darken seems to be acting like a gossipping little school girl. Yeah, what a tough necro Aryan black metal warrior. Btw, The Celtic Winter and Thousand Swords are vastly overrated albums. They're good, above-average black metal but they are not profound, neoclassical works of genius like every SRP fellating dipshit claims them to be.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
*gets beheaded by plastic glowy sword wielded by Rob himself*


Graveland = Quite good, but really really overrated.
Behemoth = Never used a drum machine. :lol:

I asked Doc from Vader about this shit in general after I saw them a few years ago, basically what the relationship was between NSBM bands and DM bands in Poland. He said it was less than good. But he said it's all just a big soap opera for the papers and zines, and on a personal level most of the openly NS bands are just kinda pissed because they are going to stay the fuck in Poland forever.
Graveland's more recent material is so much better than their old stuff, although their old stuff is damn good. Behemoth is allright, really good live.

Leave the fucking soap operas for the lonely housewives channel.