So fucking good, that is all.
Agathos Daimon!
Ov plague and fever
Thy name is Nowhere
Thy name is Never!
Agathos Daimon!
Ov plague and fever
Thy name is Nowhere
Thy name is Never!
I finally got a chance to hear this puppy yesterday. I listened 3 1/2 times in a row, nonstop.
I don't know what it is about this album but I keep wanting to listen to it. I am disappointed the full album youtube video is no longer there. Is there another place where it is available for free?
I think this is a grower, now listening to it the second time it's seems pretty fucking brutal.
But is it me or does it sounds sometimes if Nergal is lisping? Or is that due to extreme dessing? Also the mastering is a bit too much in my opinion but ok.
But is it me or does it sounds sometimes if Nergal is lisping? Or is that due to extreme dessing? Also the mastering is a bit too much in my opinion but ok.
From all I heared so far I was really bored. Not hearing anything from them I digged about Evangelion.
But I'm no Behemoth expert, so maybe the stuff I liked was untypical for them.
And yeah, ever since Max mentioned the lisping thing I can't unhear it