Behold, I say unto thee I have come! what?


"Menace To Society"
Aug 4, 2003
Long Island
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Hi All,
Just another Prog Rock/Power Metal junkie, at your service. Hooked up with the boards thru the ProgPower site thought I'd check it all out. Just gotta go to Atlanta to see Nightwish! Who knows, maybe I'll make some new friends...Gotta go, catch me later!
SilverBlade said:
Offspring? Your avatar is of Offspring? !!!!!!!:OMG: Try again little dude. Ashamed, I am so ashamed.

Well gawddamn, didn't you ruin my day! I wouldn't know Offspring from bedspring, I saw the thing on a website I visited a few months ago, liked it, and made a desktop icon from it. When signing up, I needed something to throw up there and the first two I made didn't fit the pixel/kb parameters. Now ya gotta make me work again! Bummer. Thanks though, I didn't know. Still like the damned thing though.

PS - There, Howzzat? Now go 'head and tell me that's the personal sigyl of Peewee Herman or some such Drek! :bah:

Welcome, by the way. :D
LifeBane said:
Sorry, but, marshmallows are nasty !:yuk: and if I put the pipe down it'll spill! :D

. . . Oh be still my beating heart :Smug: , for I have lost all will to live. No, like seriously, eat a marshmallow. And since you find it icky, ever the more reason to eat one! Gives me a reason to laugh, jeer and just generally be a very nasty person. :Spin: Oh... wait... Bwahahaha you had OFFSPRING as an avatar!!!! :loco: *laugh followered by a snicker and then just some random words*
SilverBlade said:
. . . Oh be still my beating heart :Smug: , for I have lost all will to live. No, like seriously, eat a marshmallow. And since you find it icky, ever the more reason to eat one! Gives me a reason to laugh, jeer and just generally be a very nasty person. :Spin: Oh... wait... Bwahahaha you had OFFSPRING as an avatar!!!! :loco: *laugh followered by a snicker and then just some random words*
Mmm, I just tried a flaming skull as an avatar, you're the one t'would seem to be the Offspring expert! :guh: That's okay, have a :ill:marshmallow:ill: on me! :D
If you must know, I bought a bag of marshmallows today. Mmmm, yummy goodness.

And hey, if anybody is the Offspring expert, it would be the person who made the avatar in the first place. :rolleyes: Use your primitive mind!
MeltingSnowman said:
We're two.... :(
Melting Snowman, creating avatars are not that complicated, but do require a little patience to get them just right and within the 100 x 100 pixel, 7kb parameters specified by UM. You can edit any picture down in the windows paint program, you don't need anything fancy (if you had photoshop you probably wouldn't need advice). I took your pic and touched it up, I'll put it up as my avatar and you can copy and paste it documents, then go to your "user cp" and upload it. I'll put mine back afterwards. Good luck!
Dark_vampiress said:
Goddammit, everyone has a avatar except me. :mad: *sulks in the corner*
Dark Vampiress, same goes for you, if you have a specific pic and can't get it to work, I can try and trim it up for you. Head shots and close ups tend to work best, likewise pics that are small to begin with. You tend to lose clarity as you reduce it if the pic's too big or too complicated to begin with. The windows paint program is usually good enough for this. After you change them, save them as a jpeg to keep the kb down.Let me know if I can help.
Ooor, you can ask me and I will quickly whip something up for you too ;) My bat avatar did not take me too long, and I prefer a simple avatar than a horribly complicated on.

Oh, and welcome ironmaidenem, since I noticed that this was your first post. :D And no, I am not going to say anything about your avatar, or the lack of it.