we're also playing the day after:
Sunday, February 8 w/ PSYOPUS, CATALYST (ex-CAPHARNAUM)
@ The Mug at Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604
6pm doors, 7pm show, all ages, $5 (free with Vassar ID)
** "The Mug" is located in the*South side*of*Main Building, the large structure in the center of the campus. Parking on-campus is limited; you can always park outside the gates on Raymond Avenue. Upon entering Main, head towards the center of the building and take a right. The Mug is located in the basement, down a flight of steps. There may or may not be signs. If confused, ask around.**
we now have a live video up at beholdthearctopus.com in the LISTEN section.
CDs and shirts are available in the ORDER section.