behold! the arctopus

I've been following this band since its inception, and I'm glad they are finally getting some shine.

The new album is so impeccably crafted and well-written that it's almost inhuman.

This is real technical metal, with an emphasis on detail and subtly while being over-the-top at the same time, not just 1,000 riffs thrown together and calling that technical.

B...TA! are masters of the craft.
"Behold..." are great! As well as Dysrhytmia, the second most noticeable act of Colin Marston fame. I thought he's playing a chapman stick here but it's actually a "Warr Guitar".
yeah, warr's are a lot more versatile, I think they have as many octaves as a piano.

colin and kevin of dysrhythmia have a side project called byla which is cool too. ambient, droney stuff...they just did an album with jarboe.
This is real technical metal, with an emphasis on detail and subtly while being over-the-top at the same time, not just 1,000 riffs thrown together and calling that technical.
That's just like saying "This piece of shit right here smells so much better than most that it actually smells good."

It's still shit and Behold the Arctopus is still too over the top, compositionally. Amazing musicians of course, but I don't have ADD heh. Same reasons I can't get into Psyopus. I love tech metal, but it needs to have some semblance of composition and feeling for me to really get into.
because we are here and they are related,opinions about Blotted Science?
Good stuff, but they need vocals I think. Their songs are way more structured and interesting than Behold the Arctopus. It's nice to hear Alex Webster playing some really interesting shit.
I remember seeing this and thinking that they were a joke, like Spinal Tap or something :lol:

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yeah, stupid gimmick band that i can't even call music. them and all these bands the sound like them, especially the metalcore ones with weird chords and stupid shit that goes nowhere all suck and need listen to some real metal to learn how to write a song.
That demonstration of Alchoholocaust was shit. That "solo" if you could call it that was nothing but random fucking notes. No musical structure or feel whatsoever.

God damn, I can understand trying to be obscure, but damn.