being a salesman

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I have been unemployed for the past few months. Im 18 and dont have any family to help support me. The state of NJ is currently paying my rent.

I was offered a job as a salesman. $12 an hour, full time and in a mall. Its selling scratch proof ipod covers. I went in for my first day today, and I absolutely hated everything about it. Is this normal for most people? I wanna go back tomorrow and say that this isnt for me. I mean, the money is good (for me at least), its full time and its working in a mall. But i just absolutely fucking hated it. The fake smile, the sales pitch..... how could anyone enjoy that? Anyone here a salesman?
To quote Angry Videogame Nerd on the Dragon's Lair review:

"Do you stand or do you duck? Either way: you're fucked. Decisions to make in this game is similar to if say you are standing in a pool full of piss, all the way up to your neck, and somebody comes with a bucket full of shit to dump on your head. Do you duck down under the piss or do you just stand up and take on the shit?"
Given your age, the only jobs you are qualified to get are entry level jobs. Also the fact that you are new to the real world means, your going to hate working period, and when you are working entry level jobs, well that adds another twist.

My advice. Man up, get used to the real world, the reality of you getting a job that you like is slim to none when you have so little experience. But considering the other available jobs you could do like heavy labor, where you ahve to get up at 3 in the morning to work 12+ hour shifts being subjected to the outside elements all year long doing physically grueling work, salesmen is a pretty nice position to be in.
Given your age, the only jobs you are qualified to get are entry level jobs. Also the fact that you are new to the real world means, your going to hate working period, and when you are working entry level jobs, well that adds another twist.

My advice. Man up, get used to the real world, the reality of you getting a job that you like is slim to none when you have so little experience. But considering the other available jobs you could do like heavy labor, where you ahve to get up at 3 in the morning to work 12+ hour shifts being subjected to the outside elements all year long doing physically grueling work, salesmen is a pretty nice position to be in.

well ive been on my own since i was 16, and i worked in a factory grinding springs 3pm-3am mon-fri, and i can say that was better than this haha. Idk i just dont think i am cut out to be a salesman lol. I would rather do something i enjoy minimum wage than work at a job i hate. Its all about being happy :cool: at least thats how i look at it
Your situation sounds desperate. But I guess it's not since you're considering ditching a job.
Given the things out there that you could be selling, I'd say you've probably got it easy :lol:
By that I mean: if someone is looking for one, or walks by and sees them and decides they want it, you have a sale. You're not exactly pushing them to make a massive investment, eg car sales, realestate, etc.

I'd say take it on as a challenge. Yes smiling can be tough for a whole day, I have to do pretty much the same over the phone all day. You just have to take on the right outlook and make it a challenge for yourself, then you'll learn to deal with the crap bits.
The job market is terrible man. I've been out of work since March of last year and I have over a decades worth of work experience. Stay at the shit job until you can find one you're happy with, and just be happy that you have a shitty job as opposed to no job.

Working sucks - get used to it because you have another 50+ years of it.