being back at work

Thursday night - huh what the hell did we do on Thursday? Met Michele at the Port Authority (good people watching there!). Ate rice and looked at skinless ducks in Chinatown windows, then headed out to NJ for peace & quiet & some Mr. Show watching & some pear cider drinkin. Also came down with a nasty cold.

Errrrr OK the 4th was nice, mostly involved reading in a hammock during the hot part of the day (yeah so like when the sun was out) and a lot of hanging out with various puppies, possibly some wiffle ball, and small town fireworks. HOT HOT HOT.

Saturday, went to Philly to see Lungfish - first time I'd heard them, they were good in a droney sort of way. Also got to see (& meet) some good Philly & DC folks. Really nice torrential downpour just before the show.

Sunday, Brooklyn Botanic Gardens! Prospect Park! Mike Topper! A brief encoutner with Dan the roommate. Black men with kites! Crazy old Hungarians who psychoanalyzed me and/or hit on me! Good brunch, good dinner, good times.

Mon/Tuesday hung out with good friends from college, smoked way too much pot, played clue and cards, watched movies, hung out in the AC.
also the top photo is of me drinking vodka before noon and looking chubbier than I really am

i so can't deal with seeing my roommates pic on this board! WORLDS R COLLIDING CANNOT COMPUTE CANNOT COMPUTE MAYDAY MAYDAY

BERRR berrr ding ding...