Being Gay Isn't Bad!!!!


Mar 25, 2003
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Why is there a poll on here, where how homosexual a person is, is being used as a negative measure????? It's stupid! It's not bad or negative to be homosexual. Why didn't you choose something like 'I am a Westlife fan' or something- now thats bad!?! I trust that it was done in good humour and won't take it to heart though.
I think it's just an expression too. I'm just overly politically correct about it because I know far too many people who use that expression and actually mean it! You'd think that by 2003 they'd have gotten over it!
evilnell said:
I think it's just an expression too. I'm just overly politically correct about it because I know far too many people who use that expression and actually mean it! You'd think that by 2003 they'd have gotten over it!

2 words : Varg Vikerness . There is alot of that kind of mentality in this "scene". You think its bad here... go visit the boards. One recent post was titled "hitler is god".
I dont think that most people actually think about homosexual men when the use the insult "gay"... it's just an insult and hardly anyone cares about the original meaning... but that might just be my naive projection of myself on others, I dont know ;)
i don't have anything against homosexuals, not at all actually.
but i can be sometimes disgusted by it, example: my class watched a movie when celebrities talked about what is bad with cigarettes, and then a famous swedish homosexual celebrity said this to get us avoiding cigarettes:
"I know better sticks to suck on"

it was stupid to make that poll, even just for fun, cos why do anyone here need to know if someone are homo? does it matter?
Zarok666 said:
I'm not gay, but I like gays anyway. They can fuck with each other and so more girls are left for me.

This thread is gay and lying.

Anyways, back on track, I don't have anything against gays as long as they don't look at me in "that" way or anything related. If they hit on me, ohhhhhhh...........Oh yeah, and I don't like the really feminine gays. It's annoying, makes me want to slap them like the bitches they are to get them to act normal for one fucking second.

NP: Dream Theater - The Test That Stumped Them All