Being "let go"


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
Hey, I had a question for you all

I was fired from my desk job the other day without cause, since I was ONLY A FEW DAYS AWAY from being over my probationary period....

Is there anything I can do?
I think I was fired because I didn't fit in, which is what one of my superiors warned me about the day before. He said the girls up front were "cliquey," and they would ostracize me if I didn't fit in (which he thought was rather messed up).

And then I get fired the next day, on a friday, literally right after I did all of the office's dirty work.

I was paying dues, so can I still union representation?

I'm also days away from getting this apartment, so I feel like my security is gone

So, anyway, if you were fired, how did it happen?
I'm sorry to hear about that...

But there "was" a reason you were fired, and you have every right to know why you were fired. Did you call your boss and ask? Or better yet go talk to your boss in person and ask why you were fired, and if given a reason, let him know you will do what you can do to "change" to prevent this?

That's what i would do, don't call, but talk in person with eye contact, try to see if you can get your job back. But you still deserve a reason for your termination.
Well, they canned me before my probation was up, and I did ask what the reason was.

They said "we are under no obligation to tell you" and "it just didn't work out, this isn't the right department for you."

Also, I don't know if I want this job back for various reasons...
Well, they canned me before my probation was up, and I did ask what the reason was.

They said "we are under no obligation to tell you" and "it just didn't work out, this isn't the right department for you."

Also, I don't know if I want this job back for various reasons...

Yeah, there isn't much you can do in that case... the most you can do is, as liverslapper said, try to poke at getting a reason, but most times you don't have to give a reason in the probation period. Since you were on a probationary period, most would cite "Not up to our standards" no matter what the reason was.

Sorry to say, but you're shit outta luck on that front.

Good luck finding a new job, though.
Yeah, that's what I figured

Thanks anyway, though :)

btw, is this going to be on my permanent record?
If so, I'm going to raise hell and make them change "let go" to "laid off."

They had a bunch of budget meetings the days before I was fired, and I think that might have something to do with it.
Well, they canned me before my probation was up, and I did ask what the reason was.

They said "we are under no obligation to tell you" and "it just didn't work out, this isn't the right department for you."

Also, I don't know if I want this job back for various reasons...

Unfortunately what happened to you goes on more than you know. Your probationary period was probably 90 days, which at the end of the employer would be responsible for unemployment compensation and full union rights, if not insurance if that was offered. Being that you did'nt fit in with the "clique" was bad news from the start. As nothing can be more vicious than office politics and drama. Basically they don't have to tell you squat why it happened, and as much I doubt you would recieve a truthfull statement from them anyhoo.

Check into your at-will status. If you're paying dues, you should be able to have the union tear into them. Too bad about the culture at that company, but it's always a good thing to check out the good and bad points about where you're working as soon as possible and keep everyone is check during that trial period. Prior to hiring on, I've always made a point of having them make that 90 day period down to 30 days, or none; before coming on with them.
I've been let go before due to company buy-outs and bringing on cheaper/younger folks. There's LOTS of ways to F'up their world...use the system; government agencies, courts and business ties can influence them. Also, get info from other employees that are still there. They can be eyes and ears to support evidence to use in your case. Most important "document(tion)", keep everything and review it. But then again...I like fighting :oops:
Just don't list them as a place where you were previously employed at when you look for a new job. When they say that the department "wasn't for you", why didn't they just transfer you or something? I dunno, sounds like a bunch of drama goes on over there.
Oh noes Lesa, that sucks! :(

Did you like the job, though?

Sometimes I feel kinda iffy about this job that I just got. I wonder, once my 90 days through the temp agency are up, would it be cheaper for the company to hire me on permanently, or replace me with another temp? :erk:
Oh noes Lesa, that sucks! :(

Did you like the job, though?

Sometimes I feel kinda iffy about this job that I just got. I wonder, once my 90 days through the temp agency are up, would it be cheaper for the company to hire me on permanently, or replace me with another temp? :erk:

^ usually if you're good and seem to enjoy what you do, they will keep you
because companies normally can't b bothered with the process of "re-hiring" temps... I think you're pretty safe there Cawa
^ usually if you're good and seem to enjoy what you do, they will keep you
because companies normally can't b bothered with the process of "re-hiring" temps... I think you're pretty safe there Cawa's just that my job is so simple, I wonder if they would even want to hire me on permanently & pay for benefits, if it would be cheaper for the company just to hire another temp. It's such a small department, that hiring new people every 3 months wouldn't be such a big deal. Anyone could do this job, really.

But during my interview they said there was the possibility of being hired permanently, so we'll see.
Lesa, I noticed that your Myspace page isn't private. Which is fine, but employers DO check that kind of stuff out. Depending on who is looking and what type of work it is, a page such as yours or mine might make us look undesirable. It's a shame, but, just sayin'. :(