Bergstrand to mix the new Decapitated album


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Just saw this on Lambgoat:

Polish technical death metal band Decapitated will be entering RG Studio in Gdansk, Poland on February 9th to begin recording their fifth studio album.

The new, yet-to-be-titled release will be produced by Wacek Kieltyka and engineered by Malta Arkadiusz Malczewski. Meanwhile, drums will be recorded with Daniel Bergstrand (Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir), who will also handle mixing duties.

A mid-year release via Nuclear Blast Records is expected.

Pretty fucking stoked, kind of bummed the Wieslawski brothers won't be involved, but this should be good!
Totally stoked as well, just for the fact they're even recording a new album. I'd have loved to get another Hertz production too, but I'm optimistic until proven otherwise when it's finished.

EDIT: and that's yet ANOTHER must-have release coming out this year...!
I'm sure Bergstrand will do an excellent job, can't wait to check this out.
Interested to hear it but hard to imagine how do better job than Wojtek and Slawek for this band. Wait and see

Keen as to see how he does on record.

When I mixed them in New Zealand he was pretty good but stuff was a touch simplified from Vitek's original parts. He also sped up a lot in songs. Didn't seem to have that fluidity that Vitek had with his drumming.

Blasts were strong as fuck though, if I remember correctly. And a great dude, might I add.
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