Beseech LIVE at the Hi-Tech Muslo 10th anniversary

deus miseratur

Short Valley Dwarf
Dec 15, 2001
Short Valley, Gothenburg, Sweden
Beseech played a great gig at the Hi-Tech Muslo 10th anniversary. It was a short set (30-40min), starting with Manmade Dreams and also included 2 new songs. One was called "Connection" the other didnt even have a name (I think they should call it "1st born") yet. No songs where played from the "...from a bleeding heart"-record :yell: .
This was as usual a great gig by Beseech. You can read all about it on the Beseech Fanclub site, plus look at some pics from the gig.
I think that the unnamed song is called Souls Departed by the way... But I agree, it's the best one of the two new ones.
Well this beeing the 8:th Beseech consert I got to attend and they rocked it was a greate consert only one thing that one could have wished for, abit longer :p.

This was the first time I got to see Beseech without Klas but they managed to fill the space with something else really good and almost sad to say you didnt notice he was gone.

The new songs was greate looking forward of hearing the new material from them.

How did the new songs sound like well a massive heavy sound like the Souls Highway album with abit of the heavy Gimme Gimme cover in it I would say.
After hearing them I tought something like this is the next page in the Beseech saga they started out sounding one way and have changed abit with every album but still keeping a special Beseech sound, the direction they going towards now is really to my likeing. :grin:
