Best 1176 plugin?

Has anyone compared the Antress Seventh Sign plug to the Waves version? I know the Antress version seems (hard to tell how close without Hi Res) to hold its own with the UAD version, as seen in:

I would try comparing myself, but I don't have an iLok and you need it for the Waves demo. I'm debating on whether or not to go for the CLA pack...If someone could do a comparison on a basic drum track (identical settings, as in the vid), I would be eternally grateful.
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The Rocket is excellent on bass. All of my best bass tones usually feature it somewhere. Never tried on vox.

It's not a pure 1176 emulation though. It has it's own distinct FET sound, and is a lot more tweakable.
Cla for sure, sat comparing it to a hardware 1176 and struggled to tell the difference at times.
The uad whilst good re-acts very differently to the hardware 1176's I've used.
Cla for sure, sat comparing it to a hardware 1176 and struggled to tell the difference at times.
The uad whilst good re-acts very differently to the hardware 1176's I've used.

Just listen to when the compressor kicks in, that is where the most obvious difference is. And the hardware adds a more rounded, glue effect.
On vox the consonants wont pop out as they can do on an ITB compressor
You might not here it if you are a noob, but i can for sure hear it, and once you can identify the sound you can't go back.
Just listen to when the compressor kicks in, that is where the most obvious difference is. And the hardware adds a more rounded, glue effect.
On vox the consonants wont pop out as they can do on an ITB compressor
You might not here it if you are a noob, but i can for sure hear it, and once you can identify the sound you can't go back.

Asolutly agree... theres something in the attack, and how you get that damn pop at faster settings ITB that just isnt there with proper ones.
Asolutly agree... theres something in the attack, and how you get that damn pop at faster settings ITB that just isnt there with proper ones.

This is so annoying when you want that aggressive vibe with medium-fast attack and the fastest release. I've noticed a transient designer after the 1176 will get rid of that annoying pop - just ease the transient off a little.

The hardware just has that amazing smear and I love boosting loads of air frequencies then smoothing it all off with an 1176 :Smokedev:

The CLA stuff is really good still.
Yeah, the attack has always been the give away. In many cases you can also tell on the release, especially with drum sustain. The hardware seems to bring the floor up more, and sound denser. I was showing a guy the ropes here, comparing ITB and hardware compression side by side, and this was one of the consistent characteristics. So much so that even he pointed it out before I mentioned.
Are there good audio comparison somewhere here ? I've never touched a 1176 or LA2A in real and would find very interesting to actually hear the difference by myself.
Has anyone compared the Antress Seventh Sign plug to the Waves version?

The Antress plugins were pretty stable when I tried them when I was still using a pc, BUT: I noticed that they are open source now(!), if someone with more talent could make like more stable versions of them, please do. And I wouldn't mind MAC versions either :worship:

edit: ah, it seems it didn't have everything in there :(