Best April Fool Pranks pulled on friends/ Co workers

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
What tricks have you pulled?

One time my buddy hit a parked car with his gigantic SUV. We pulled out and drove the hell out of there. Months passed...

So I had my friend from new york who's an aspiring actor call him up posing as a lawyer on behalf of this person who got their car brutally scratched. After a couple messages stating this is "Lionel Hutz" from the Law offices of "Dewey, cheetum, and howe. "Will you please call me back, we demand reparations for the damages caused several months ago. We have mall footage of your vehicle leaving the scene of the crime"

My friend went totally ape shit and got his whole family involved. His girlfriend even offered to loan him a couple hundred bucks to pay this guy back.

Let's hear yours. :grin:
Nicely done! If he didn't get it from the name Lionel Hutz he's obviously queer. :loco:

I do stupid April Fool's pranks like my Maiden / Priest thread, I'm more of a jokester than a prankster. :D