Best Band Ever


New Metal Member
Alright, I can tell most of you are sloppy, filth covered pussies with the mental capacity of a puss filled sack on the end of a beaners dick, so Im not expecting any good answers.

But what the fuck, I'll ask the question anyways. in your opinion, what is the best band ever? Get into it and explain your pathetic answer, bitch.

Best Band Ever goes to...


Why? If you really need to ask, you shouldnt be on this board :headbang:

Rock on Brothers
All of the above :loco:
hehe, for me early Queensryche still rules....

@Griffin ; There allways will be new people coming onto the board, so threads like this will be coming back regulary. Same with "top 10's", "favorit bands", "best song", etc... I don't mind them coming back as mostly these top 10's and so are made in a mood I have at that time, so the list changes a bit every time it pops up again...