Best cheap mic pre you've ever used...


Jan 10, 2005
I have a friend that has like....ZERO money. He's only 17 and has no job, he really focuses on school, and he's a great kid. He's my friend's brother, that's how I know him. Over the past two years or so I've helped him do a lot of shit, like helped him buy an amp and a guitar, taught him a lot of stuff on guitar, etc. Now...his brother is pretty good, I'm better than him...but...this guy is now better than his brother after only playing a couple of years as oppsed to his older brother playing for like 10 years.

Anyway. He wants to start learning how to record stuff. He comes over and hangs out here at the studio frequently when we're doing mixes and editing and shit like that and he picks up what he can, but there's nothing like doing it yourself. Plus without doing it himself all the stuff he sees me and my boss do behind the helm here doesn't help him too much, yanno? His birthday is coming up and I was going to buy him a mic pre and a mic, can't decide between the SM57 and a i5. His brother has a SoundCraft mixer, like a little 4 channel one, it's actually really decent for being a budget mixer, as is all SoundCraft stuff. And he has a Delta1010LT. So They have stuff to get from the mixer into the computer. But not a decent pre to record guitars and vocals with.

The only thing I could think of was the MobilePre that I have...but the pre's aren't anything great at all, and I mostly use it for line-in purposes with my PODxt, and that's just when I forget to bring home my 002R.

What I want to know is, what is a good cheap ass mic pre, like the ART stuff or the M-Audio DMP3, or the Presonus BlueTube/BlueTube Dual path, or the Studio Project VTB-1....etc. Something that would work mainly for mic'ing up a guitar amp, but also works well for vocals because he does a lot of death metal and he happens to be pretty good at those vocals as well. Something to run straight into the little mixer they have...or straight into the Delta1010LT, either way. You know, something that is cheap, but that should cost more than they ask for it. So, any ideas?

That's one lucky kid.
I wish I had someone to help guide me through the ways of metal gear and who also worked in a recording studio where I could hang out and observe and learn. (when I was his age)
As a matter of fact I used to imagine it often so it would have been pretty much a dream come true. :cry:

Now I've got this forum. :worship:
He already realizes the never-ending uses of the SM57. I've shown him that over the past year, hehe. I will be getting him TWO mics though, an SM57 for sure, and something else. The 1010LT pres aren't horrible, it's just he gets discouraged easily, so I would rather him have something that is a step up so that it's a little easier on him. Personally I hate the pres on the 1010LT's, but thats just my preference, and you can't really blame me, I've worked with SSL consoles, Grace, Millenia, Great River, Avalon, Focusrite RED and ISA, Vintech, API...I mean, it's hard for me to downgrade and like it. I can downgrade and deal with it, sure, but not like it. Like the pres on my MobilePre are fucking complete junk compared to the API LunchBox setup I use to have...but if I had never used API pres, then the M-Audio ones wouldn't be too terrible.

Anyway, back to the point. Any other cheap mic pres that get good results? I would like someone to chime in about the DMP3, I know there are a couple of people here that have them. Thanks for the replies so far guys. :)

Also, the ART Tube MP isn't expensive at all...The budget I set aside for the pre is $300 or less. But I just want to get him something he won't have to upgrade from for a while. Something that will do vocals, DI bass, and record guitars all equally well.

the vtb-1 would be my choice.

i have two of them, like them a lot and plan to buy some more.
in this pricerange and up to 500 € it is hard to find any preamp that is that good as the vtb-1 is.

i do not know every preamp on the market, but i read so many reviews about preamps in this pricerange and everyone seemed to like the vtb-1 and now i do it, too.:)
Yeah same here, I've heard tons of great things about the VTB-1 (just like other Studio Projects things) being worth well over what they ask in price. I was kinda hoping to be able to find something with two channels though, so two mics can be placed on a guitar cab at once. I have yet to find anything with as much praise as the VTB-1 gets, in a two-channel format. I was hopinh somebody here knew of such a unit. If not, then the VTB-1 it is for sure. One good channel is better than two shit ones. :p

So DMP-3 or VTB-1????

I also just went ot Studio Projects' website and saw the SP828 rackmount mic pres, 8 of them in a rack, each channel has a 48v, Line, and PAD switch, as well as L/R mix and Gain all in the front, in the back each channel has a TRS output, as well as L/R main bus output. Pretty neat. For $600 I'm sure it could add a lot of flavor to an already colorful set of preamps. I might get one to throw in with my OctoPre when I switch my interface over to MOTU on my live rig.

Anyway, back to the delimma at hand. DMP-3 vs. VTB-1!


my problem was that i hadn't found a single review for the SP828.
i am not sure if it is the same quality as the vtb-1.:loco:
there is no tube option and there is only one output per channel.
i like to have two, one direct to the computer and one to the mixer for monitoring.
i vote for the vtb1 as well. cant go wrong for the money. even if i payed twice as much i would still love it. its not the quietest pre ever but it has proven useful time and again. i dont think for 99 bucks there is any better alternative imho.
I've never used the VTB-1, but I still have my DMP-3 and I am quite happy with it. I did upgrade, but I don't think I would have had to to get some pretty good sounds, I was just craving better stuff. Plus I've always heard excellent reviews of them.