Best day at work so far!


Beseech Fan
Dec 9, 2001
Gothenburg, Sweden
At work today a few minutes before 11 listening to P3 one of the bigger radiostations in Sweden I heared something I could hardly belive.

Every day they pick 6 songs that listeners have requested the voice on the radio sayed.

'Can you please play Gimme Gimme Gimme with Beseech couse it will remind me of there greate concert they held in Hjo erlier this year.' Then I thougt OMG this cant be true but... it WAS. :cool:

So for a few minutes my machine stoped working the volume on the radio got cranked up, got some evil eyes of my coworkers (who cares) :loco:. And one could only enjoy the lovely sounds comming off the radio. :rock:

And thanks you Kristian from Borås for requestiong it. :worship: