best gathering album

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I just downloaded In Motion #1 and am totally in awe of this band. I've heard them since about 1997, but never got around to buying their stuff. What album would you recommend? Whatever album In Motion #1 and #2 are from is probably what I'll get, as that's the sound I'm looking for.

It's funny, as I've listened to Lacuna Coil for years, but never The Gathering.
These two songs are from their album "Mandylion"... In my opinion their best album is "How To Measure A Planet?", since it's the most experimental album they've released. If you want something closer to metal you should start by "Mandylion" or "Nightime Birds"... But try to get everything they've released after Anneke joined the band (the above+"If_Then_Else", "Black Light District" & the new album "Souvenirs" out this february). Their first album "Always" is also very good but closer to the doom/death sound of early nineties than their other releases...

By the way, I don't understand why so many people compare Lacuna Coil to Gathering... Other than the fact that they both have a female singer, they're not that similar and in terms of quality I don't think they're even close.... (well, my prejudices are showing again :D :D )
I can clearly recommend "Mandylion". I think this is the by far the best they've done! I had "Nighttime birds" once (until a guy threw it away), but I think it was a bit boring! The title track was clearly the best, although I got a little tired of it. It wasn't a bad album, but didn't get out of the mediocrety for me! I've only heard "How to measure a planet" and "If then else" at cdnow and some of it in a record shop, but it was BOOOOOOOORRIIINGG!!!!!!!! I also saw them live at Roskilde Festival in 2001 and they played mostly that stuff. They only played two older songs ("Strange machines" and one song from "Nighttime birds"), so it was pretty dissapointing for me. The concert and their newer material all seemed so gross and affected/put on if I can put it that way. "Hey, all the cool, smart & hip people are listening to some stuff called trip hop, so let's put some of that shit into our music and maybe we'll sell some more records!". Now trip-hop ain't cool no more, so maybe they'll start putting naked music on their records now. Although I was into hip hop, trip hop & house once I've grown tired of it and especially the synthetic sound that most of it have has become a little annoying. So hearing programmed synthetic beats in The Gathering's music was a dissapointment for me when they've made one of the best gothic records I've ever heard with "Mandylion".
What about my quotes? :D
Well, I must say I disagree with you on the subject of The Gathering, Board, but tastes are always tastes... Anyway, as for my quotes the first is the last verse from Fleurety's Last Minute Lies song and the second is taken from the legendary tv series "The Black Adder" (in fact I believe it's from the second season).... Definitely one of the best comedy series I've seen in my life and the best thing Rowan Atkinson has done in his career...
Originally posted by thrashmetal78
I just downloaded In Motion #1 and am totally in awe of this band. I've heard them since about 1997, but never got around to buying their stuff. What album would you recommend? Whatever album In Motion #1 and #2 are from is probably what I'll get, as that's the sound I'm looking for.

It's funny, as I've listened to Lacuna Coil for years, but never The Gathering.

The Gathering > Lacuna Coil

Both songs are from Mandylion, and those two are my two favorite The Gathering songs... simply beautiful stuff.

Overall, though, their best album (in my opinion) is 'if_then_else.'
Personally I liked everything I've head from The Gathering. Mandylion is a great album, and still has the harder, less experimental feel, if that is what you are looking for.

How to Measure... was definitely more experimental, as mentioned above, and worthy of a listen or two, or three, or a few hundred.

if_then_else seems to be a little more popular in nature, but nonetheless still good.
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
Anyway, as for my quotes the first is the last verse from Fleurety's Last Minute Lies song and the second is taken from the legendary tv series "The Black Adder" (in fact I believe it's from the second season).... Definitely one of the best comedy series I've seen in my life and the best thing Rowan Atkinson has done in his career...

Heheh, that show is great.
I like them all. My personal fave is Nighttime Birds.

I didnt dig HTMAP as much, because of the experimental nature. I thought it meandered too much, but it had some quality songs. I wouldve preferred a single disc, but thats fine. They had to expand their sound and get away from the cookie cutter Waldemar Sorychta Woodhouse sound and go with Attie Bauw that time around.

The live record, Superheat, is really cool too IMO.
Mandylion was the first album I got of The Gathering. The song Leaves is so haunting. I love that album. That and How To Measure A Planet are my fav albums. Download the track Liberty Bell and you will melt. Starting with these two albums and you will not be disapointed.
Whatever you do, don't get 'Almost a dance'. EVER. Even if you love the rest of their albums, do not buy that one. Seriously. I mean, there are some good songs, but the vocals..........
Well, the band owns the rights to the recording now, I wish they'd put Anneke's vocals in it, but they apparently don't want to do that, so until they do, don't get it......

I really love their "How to measure a planet?" album.
At first I was surprised ´cause it was totally different from
"Nighttime birds" and "Mandylion".

The songs are full of emotions and helped me during a worse
time for me.
I think it depends on what are you looking for, they changed a lot since "how to measure...." and I don't like that kind of sound that much though it has some really amazing songs. Personally I really like "nightime birds" that's their best album for me, "mandylion" is very good too, but not as strong as "nighttime..", in motion #1 & 2 are definitely the best tracks on Mandylion, but as I said my choice is Nightime birds
Originally posted by Board
"Hey, all the cool, smart & hip people are listening to some stuff called trip hop, so let's put some of that shit into our music and maybe we'll sell some more records!". Now trip-hop ain't cool no more, so maybe they'll start putting naked music on their records now. Although I was into hip hop, trip hop & house once I've grown tired of it and especially the synthetic sound that most of it have has become a little annoying. So hearing programmed synthetic beats in The Gathering's music was a dissapointment for me when they've made one of the best gothic records I've ever heard with "Mandylion".
What about my quotes? :D

as always i don't understand your point...

infact i think that the good thing about them is in the fusion between metal and electronic they made....

so my favourite is htmap ....

liberty bell makes me shiver...

but i think that their best song is on most surfaces(inuit)...

that song represent the feeling of coldness very well...


who fuckin' cares how areyour quotes?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by dimensionidol
as always i don't understand your point...

infact i think that the good thing about them is in the fusion between metal and electronic they made....

so my favourite is htmap ....

liberty bell makes me shiver...

but i think that their best song is on most surfaces(inuit)...

that song represent the feeling of coldness very well...


who fuckin' cares how areyour quotes?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you like it that's fine by me, it's just not something that I could see myself listen to. As I said I just think that it sounds like they started that electronic stuff because that's the way the music biz has turned into, unfortunatly. I think their music sounds a bit gross and put-on as I said.
And the reason why I said "What about my quotes?" was just because thrashmetal78 mentioned Kveldssanger's quotes. I like mine better than yours, which is the reason I have mine and not yours.
I downloaded pretty much all their stuff that's good, and I really wasn't that into Liberty Bell. It's a good song, but it's not in the same league as In Motion 1 and Leaves.