Best Guitarists In Progmetal?


The Edge
Sep 15, 2006
Tremont, IL
Hey guys,

Just for a little fun around here I was wondering who all of you feel are the best guitarists in Progmetal?
Here’s my top five.

1. John Petrucci
2. Jerry Prater
3. Michael Romeo
4. Rusty Cooley
5.Chris Caffery
Steve Via is one I never managed to get into. I truly respect him, But I just never cared for his style. I'll admit I only heard like one album though.

As for Freak Kitchen, iv not had the pleasure of hearing them at all as of yet :(. Our guitarist has recently told me how amazing they are. I really want to hear them.

Let's ad
STEVE VAI and MATHIAS from FREAK KITCHEN in here...why not, their freaking AMAZING!
Mindcrime 2 was definitely their best work in a decade since "hear in the now" in my book... (I actually liked the songwriting on that album better then anything following it). As far as Mindcrime 2.. I really really dug the song "rearrange you", and thought it was good enough to be on the first one...everything else in the album was more "eh" to me. I still buy everything they put out though.
The intro track is great but could have been much longer.
I just wish Wilton would have been more involved with the was all tate stone and slater.
But it's all good :headbang:

Let's also not forget the late Chris Oliva .
He may have not done some of the crazy thing's many above did.
But that man sure knew how to have passion and emotion behind what he plays. When he died the world really lost something.
I don't mean to do any type of shameless plug for Eternity X.
But I am honestly dieing to show you guys our two guitarists. Especially Jerry.
He's honestly one of the best iv ever seen. The new album shows a taste of it. But not to much because we are more worried about keeping the melodic feel than making something crazy complex. But trust me ya'll are gonna be impressed. For those of you who thought the guys from "The Edge" were good. Just wait and see these guys.
Man...this is a hard one for me...

Tom Englund/Henrik Danhage (Evergrey) I love their twin harmonies and blistering solos

Michael Kammeyer (Pyramaze) this guy's got big things in his future (especially with his recent acquisition)

Pete Southern (Balance of Power) I've loved all of his work since Book of Secrets

Rusty Cooley (Outworld) - I wish I could sweep like that man. He's crazy.

In the power metal genre, I'd have to pick

Jon Schaffer (Iced Earth) - he's a genius, even as simplistic as his riffs can be, he still makes magic

Lou St Paul (Winters Bane) - the most underrated and unknown guitarist in metal. All I have to say, is check out their last release, Redivivus.

Chris Broderick (Jag Panzer)

Jeff Loomis (Nevermore)

Gus G. (Firewind)

Matt Moliti (Dark Empire) - although new to the scene, this 20 something year old has already made a large impact.

Yan Leviathan (Avian) - pure awesomeness on six strings
I have to add Marcel Coenen (Sun Caged, ex-Lemur Voice, Hubi Meisel) to this list. His range of styles, technical ability and writing are mind-boggling.
Frank Schiphorst (Symmetry) is also a freaking monster of a player.
Nick van Dyk (Redemption) and Bernie Versailles (Agent Steel, Engine, Redemption)
Sean Entrikin (Prymary)
Jasun Tipton (Zero Hour)
Stephan Forté (Adagio)

Technically not ProgMetal, but respect worthy enough to mention: Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Tony Macalpine, Vinnie Moore, Ronnie Letekro...

Oh man, I could on for a lonnnnng time with this. :) Hard to pick a "best" when there are so many amazing talents out there.
Man...this is a hard one for me...
Pete Southern (Balance of Power) I've loved all of his work since Book of Secrets
Gus G. (Firewind)
Yan Leviathan (Avian) - pure awesomeness on six strings

Good call! (especially with Gus G.)

Here's another guy I believe will be a rising star in the metal / instrumental genre, his name is CSP (Chris for short :p). He's arguably the best shred guitarist in Canada at the moment and he's a mere 20 years old! The guy has done side projects with Mistheria (Dickinson's Keyboardist) and Mike Machine (the world's fastest drummer - he broke 3 world records) among others.

He also played with us at our CD release show, and I must say, his style and abilities are simply brilliant. I only wish he had samples on his site!
Good call! (especially with Gus G.)

Here's another guy I believe will be a rising star in the metal / instrumental genre, his name is CSP (Chris for short :p). He's arguably the best shred guitarist in Canada at the moment and he's a mere 20 years old! The guy has done side projects with Mistheria (Dickinson's Keyboardist) and Mike Machine (the world's fastest drummer - he broke 3 world records) among others.

He also played with us at our CD release show, and I must say, his style and abilities are simply brilliant. I only wish he had samples on his site!

World records? disrespect intended, I'm just curious....what world records did he break?:kickass: