Best Iron Maiden live album?


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
I know that everyone will say Live After Death but I think Rock In Rio captured the atmosphere of the concert better. Although Live After Death had a better track selection, the overall atmosphere was better on Rock In Rio. Although the live version of Rime of the Ancient Mariner was the best ever Maiden live recording IMO. What would you say was the best Maiden live album?
Although Bruce often warbles out-of-key on LAD, it's still the preeminent Maiden live release.

The sound/production is PERFECT, and the song selection is amazing.
RIR is also quite good, but the mix suffers a bit.....lacks the energy of LAD.

The "Maiden Japan" EP is great, as well. I wish it were a full release. It captures the raw energy of the early Maiden.

The 90s live records all SUCK horrendously. The "real live/dead" disasters are simply embarrasing. Anything Harris produces is shite.
I've heard better fact, I had a cassette years ago, of Maiden on the 83 "Piece Tour" and it completely blows away this tripe.
The "Live in Donington" release is also pure garbage.
It is rather amazing how badly Donington and Live/Dead suck, though.

The live video of Hallowed is utterly amazing, though. I like Janick's interpretation of the solo, and the video of four old guys running around on a stage like crazed nutters is so \m/ it hurts. Not to mention Bruce's crowd-stealing presence.
Maiden Japan is the only great live album.

LAD has Bruce's whiny, cracked vocals on it and contains the bloated dungeons and dragons songs from the early Bruce albums. And Bruce should have shot for massacring Paul's songs.
I don't think he could have pulled off songs like "Rime...." or "Number of the Beast" or "The Thin Line Between Love and Hate" though.
Yeah, Bruce doesn't do Di'anno songs too well live...

Anyway, my favorite is also Rock in Rio. It would've kicked ass to have some more 80's songs like "Aces High" on there, but overall, it was the best. LAD was pretty good, but Bruce messed up too many times for me to prefer it. And hearing Bruce do "Sign Of The Cross" on Rock in Rio was worth the whole damn album.