Best Lacrimosa album

Blue Moon

Staring at the Sun
Nov 14, 2001
Down the Hallway of Always

I only own "Elodia" and was rather impressed ; I'd like to hear more, but as the albums are rather expensive here, I'd like to hear what fans of the band have to say. I heard "Inferno" is great ; what do you think ?

Thanks in advance.
Hello Blue Moon!

I am a big fan or Lacrimosa! :)
All the albums are of very good quality... What you will buy next after Elodia,depends on what kind of music you would like to hear...
All the albums Larcimosa have released are more or less different from each other...
AngstThis is the first Lacrimosa album...and has actually nothing to do with metal.I would rather categorize it as gothic music... It's a very depressing album with a very very dark atmosphere...
Einsamkeitthis is the second lacrimosa bears many similarities to their first work...It's very dark and depressive....
Anne Nurmi wasn't in the bands back then..
If you're interested in those two albums,I suggest you should get Einsamkeit first
SaturaIn my opinion this is the best lacrimosa album.. No metal elements still...but the music is very very sentimental,melancholic and beautiful.The songs vary quite a lot... The atmosphere is not so claustrophobic as in the previous two albums
InfernoAnne Nurmi makes her appearance : ) her vocals are wonderful.. Inferno is a good album,the songs vary like in every lacrimosa album...but i think this album is a bit hard to get into...
btw,here you can find the "hit" Copycat! Jan Yrlund (ancient rites) plays guitar on this album!
StilleThis album contains many obvious metal influence and also much symphonic stuff.. not as much as in elodia though...It's a great work.The atmosphere is not very depressing btw....and to my mind this album was the beginning of the new Era in Lacrimosa's history...
ElodiaYou've heard that yourself... :)
FassadeThe brand new Lacrimosa album...quite different from the rest... very relaxing but yet very touching...this is probably the most classical/symphonic lacrimosa album.Quite different from the rest...
I have done a review for it in the webzine i mention in my signature...take a look if you like :)

Well,I hope I managed to give you some good help in deciding

Gee, thanks everybody, especially Melancholia for your...extensive description... I'll print that and keep it with me next time I go out to purchase some cd. Methinks I'll go for Einsamkeit and Satura first... Or maybe Stille and Fassade... or... ;)

Oh and what do you think of the live double cd release ? Heard some bad comments, but I can't believe it to be so bad...

Thanks once more.
Believe it or not,I don't have the Live Album,
but i have listened to it sometimes,since my boyfriend has this and many of our Cds usually "travel" from to each other's house and back :D
Well,I don't think it's bad... It's just that some sounds sound different in the CD and maybe it's not the suitable album to start with...On the other hand you could see it as a best-off album... hmmmmmm

I guess you should try some studio album first...
Some of their singles are cool,too : )
Especially "Alles Lüge" and "Stolzes herz" who contain the some cool songs you can't find else where...

Their last video/DVD was very cool as well...

Ah, the DVD... I'm pretty curious about this one, too... What are the features.... it was not well detailed on the official site of the band if I recall...

And if I remember, the live cd has old songs with both singers and the orchestra, so that must sound different.... Especially if the tracks are rearranged as it was said on the site...


So much cds, so little budget.
"So much cds, so little budget."
oh,you're not the only one :(

The Dvd is called "The live history" and it contains 17 live songs... What I particularly enjoy is that it's not a whole gig,but several clips.I mean most songs are from different gigs and also there is songs from very old gigs,like from the first Lacrimosa gig..... It is so amazing and interesting to watch...especially the gigs from 1993 are so gloomy....
Most of the clips are of very good quality,except for the earlier ones,but this is justified,since back then Lacrimosa was only a small band and i guess they weren't planning to release a DVD back then ; ) Anyway it's interesting to watch how Lacrimosa have evolved :)
in my humble opinion inferno is the bestest greatestest wonderfulmostest gothicmetal-cd ever. i don't like copycat since i saw that video... but songs like versiegelt glanzüberströmt or das kabinett der sinne... :cry: :) :cry:
this cd has accompanied the worst time of my life (the growing up part where the women join the merry play) and believe it or not, but my FATHER recently bought it because he has heard a cassette of mine in our car...

angst is the most depressing piece of art that has ever been hit by some rays of moonlight... i cannot stand upright throughout the whole requiem cause after some moments i transform into something sobbing and shivering:cry:

but still, inferno is their best one.:D
oh,terria you're right about Angst... :cry:
and eventhough Inferno rules,i will disagree with you and say that i prefer "Satura"....
Versiegelt glanzumströmt tears my heart to pieces :cry: :cry:

it's cool there are some Lacrimosa fans around here = )
I bough the Lacrimosa DVD some time ago and though it has some great stuff, The dvd production and Interactivity sucks bigtime. I guess some more Menu work could have been done, bearing in mind that we are speaking about the milestone band of the whole gothic.

bumping a 2001 thread, that might be a record. at least you realised you were doing it, although i'm not sure if that makes it better or worse.