Best Maiden Album Evar?


go shag ur camel
Feb 14, 2002
Branford, CT

a woman takeing a dump is only gay if you are a lesbian into pig raunch.
you can like the crap cover to your hearts content, but you have to have alot of denial to think manniquins at a masquerade ball wearing nothing but masks and g-strings isnt gay.

...then if yer any good recogniseing the airbrushed crap, there's the usual smokey skull head above the a in maiden and another to the left of the bottom of the I in maiden and alot more if ya look around... and under the r & o there's a big giant DICK! airbrushed so the arms incorperated in the dick and going to the right under the rest of the o is a naked man! centered directly under the i but also going halfway through the
a & d in the "aid" part of maiden, right under the "i" is a navel and it goes from the waist down with a big dick in the middle...
the computer generated art is pure shit, but somebody put alot of work into the airbrushing in the back ground. not alot of good work, but alot of time airbrushing spooks and naked guys so people might get a subliminal inclination to look at the cover more. it's gay and i havent seen a worse attempt at hideing weiners on a cover for subliminal marketing since the original cover of aerosmiths rock in a hard place.
a woman takeing a dump is only gay if you are a lesbian into pig raunch.
you can like the crap cover to your hearts content, but you have to have alot of denial to think manniquins at a masquerade ball wearing nothing but masks and g-strings isnt gay.

...then if yer any good recogniseing the airbrushed crap, there's the usual smokey skull head above the a in maiden and another to the left of the bottom of the I in maiden and alot more if ya look around... and under the r & o there's a big giant DICK! airbrushed so the arms incorperated in the dick and going to the right under the rest of the o is a naked man! centered directly under the i but also going halfway through the
a & d in the "aid" part of maiden, right under the "i" is a navel and it goes from the waist down with a big dick in the middle...
the computer generated art is pure shit, but somebody put alot of work into the airbrushing in the back ground. not alot of good work, but alot of time airbrushing spooks and naked guys so people might get a subliminal inclination to look at the cover more. it's gay and i havent seen a worse attempt at hideing weiners on a cover for subliminal marketing since the original cover of aerosmiths rock in a hard place.

I guess since they stopped wearing spandex they had to work the sausages in there somewhere!