Best Metal CD/Album Cover of 2007

Dec 16, 2002
I'll go with Amorphis - Silent Waters. If I recall right Travis Smith did this one. What do you guys/gals think is the best one of 2007?

I liked Elvenking's cover. The art is cool.

I could generally care less about covers, but I do like looking at art ;)
not a huge Sy X lover (I know BLASPHEMY!!! it just.. I dunno, it just doesn't hit me like everyone else.. it's not BAD stuff, not in the least!!! It just doesn't make me go 'holy crap it's the second coming' or anything...) But I LOVE the art for their album... The use of constrasting colorations are flat out amazing... I am a sucker for artist to can truly make metal look like metal...

The Elvenking one is kewl too - but it's almost too much of the same green everywhere and the depth gets lost to my eyes... But the center's lighting has a kewl effect like a door is open to hightlight that area (does that make sense???) It's got ALOT going on...

The Pathosray art is killer too... the shades of purples really make that picture pop...

I dug Kamelot's Ghost Opera - albeit a little dard, I have a love for violins being played in art.. Dunno why and it's not with any other instrument... Just the violin...

Riverside reminds me of the artist who did the old Sandman comic covers...