Best musicians in a technical sense


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Quick questionnaire: which musicians do you think are the best technically? For the purposes of this, I couldn't give a flying fuck about their style, attitude, soul, feeling, hair, penis, fluffy pyjamas or anything like that. Just ability. You might hate them, but reckon they're great in a technical sense. My feeble attempt to answer my own survey goes as follows:

Guitarist: Petrucci

Bassist: Les Claypool (followed by Rob Trujillo)

Drummer: Gene Hoglan

Vocalist: Not sure actually

Keyboard player: As above!

I thank you, chaps and chapettes. I'm a fucking shit judge, so please do better than me. Feel free to add any other instruments you can think of.
Guitarist - Michael Angelo & Vinnie Vincent. Speaking purely technically as you said, what they play is the most difficult in my opinion. I don't think any other guitarist could keep with those 2 technically.

Vocalist - Tony Harnell. His range is simply amazing, I've never heard anybody else hit such high notes without going into a King Diamond/Jim Gillette style falcetto, and with such ease, and a great tone to his voice at the same time. And I've seen TNT live in Japan in '89 and he hits every note perfectly without trying.

Bass & Keyboards - Couldn't care less.

Drums - I don't feel qualified to answer this.
My ignorant self doesn't know who half these people are. Could you put the bands of the less well-known ones in brackets or something? Tah! Thanks for your smashing responses thus far. :wave:
Hmmm. I've been thinking about this for a while and it's not that easy. I'll just name some without thinking too much about it. Heh heh.

Guitar: Joe Satriani. He can play anything from speed metal to jazz
Keyboards: Ken Hensley (best known from Uriah Heep)
Vocalist: The late Freddie Mercury. In a rock perspective, I think there's few singers more gifted. If I had to pick someone who's still alive, I'd go with John Farnham.
Drummer: I'm an enormous fan of Danny Carey from TOOL, one of the few bands where the guitar riffs are written around the drums. Gene Hoglan is such a fluid an versatile player he's almost unbelievable.
Bass player: Billy Sheehan. As far as modern bass playing goes, this guy wrote the book.
Goreripper said:
Vocalist: The late Freddie Mercury. In a rock perspective, I think there's few singers more gifted. If I had to pick someone who's still alive, I'd go with John Farnham.
Have you heard Farnham sing Black Dog? I've heard a live version recorded at a sound check and he leaves Robert Plant for dead!
John Farnham's awesome. Not a great fan of his more recent material, from what I've heard of it, but his 80s stuff was great. The first concert I ever went to was his in Hobart in January 1991.
After thinking about this further, I've decided on a vocalist:

Vocals: Guy Sebastian

Yes, I'm serious. The guy has an amazing voice, even if he does waste it doing dodgy R&B.