Best Opeth song

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Opeth are freakin great and alot of people like them
Lots of good songs
I say The Drapery Falls
It has it all.
It has soft, heavy, really damn heavy music, and same with vocals in all those categories.
It's ten minutes long too. So, that's sweet.

Let's hope we don't get anyone posting about how Opeth puts them to sleep. Maybe they can actually answer this question.
How about you kids?
What do you all Think?
Leper Afinity and The Moore.

Still Life would be their best cd.

I have all their cd's, I like them,,but at times,,yep, they put me to sleep. The lyrics are another problem I have with the band. They are nice poetic phrases, but they dont make sence once they are put together, rather cheesy at times.
The acoustic work and teh clean vocals are AMAZING.(I just got Morningrise last night)
I agree with Ledmag. Still life is their best, but the others put me to sleep at certain points.

You can't really look at opeth on a 'songs' basis, you have to look at them as 'albums', or else it just doesn't work...
The best opeth song is morningrise put on at 3 AM as you drift off but don't actuslly fall asleep... the last 20 minutes will warp your mind after the mind blowing 40 minute warm up to it. I guarantee. I got a RAP/POP friend to fall in love with Opeth by giving him these instructions. Do it only once a week... i guarantee in 3 weeks you will agree Opeth is brilliant.
I agree with Trapped and ledmag - Still Life is their best
and I also agree with u that they sometimes put me to sleep *grin* and, well, u speak out of my heart - I have to look at them as whole albums and am not able to pick out a specific song ...
Blackrose Immortal maybe
Face of Melinda maybe...
i cant chose 1 :)
My new found love is April Ethereal. :D


WHITE CLUSTER! then the Moor, Funeral Portrait, Face of Melinda, Bid you Farewell, Demon of the Fall, Forest of October.... loottttsss of good shit. The Opeth board is ass though. All these self-proclaimed intellects run rampant spouting too much shit.