Best PPEU-moment


Most retarded face of '09
Oct 15, 2008
Amersfoort, Netherlands
So guys, post your thoughts, what was the most memorable moment of this years progpower? Don't just post once, post them all. It is after all the beauty of Progpower that it's not just the music, it's the idiots that come to listen to the bands and make you piss your pants in the process. And like previous years, there are so many great moments. I'll start.

Meeting Tom Maclean after 3,5 years and speaking dutch with him and Ricard. It was insanely funny. And his reply to why he was learning dutch. "So I can get some pussy" :lol:

Oganalp Catan, singer from Neverland recanting his trip home after last years progpower. An amazingly funny story where he was apparently force fed coffee by flight attendants because he was constantly pointing at buildings and asking if they were the plane he had to take.

Meeting the Xerath "Singer" and having to promise to be headbanging up front during their performance or else he'd have to kill me in my sleep.

The crewmember in the bunnysuit at the sunday afterparty.

Getting woken up at six thirty in the morning by my roommate who was going through my stuff claiming it was his and he was looking for something. And him not remembering anymore.

The orchestra at the castle, the surprise on their faces while being cheered on and grunted at by a bunch of completely wasted metalheads.

Christer having exactly 666 hangovers at the same time.

The progpower virgins. You were awesome people and welcome to your new family. Do come back next year.

Doing the three little piggies with Dario. It should be a tradition.

Watching JOP from the balcony, and noticing that apparently I wasn't the only one moved to tears by Believe and When the crowds are gone.

Seriously, I miss you guys already. Thank you all for the best weekend of the whole year. :)
Well, that was of course only partly true. It was primarily so I could learn to converse with such enlightened beings ;)

With most of these enlightened beings being of the female persuasion, eh? :p

My moments:

The entire trip towards the festival, from the moment we all saw each other, the train ride with the ENTIRE group complete and singing along to songs, to arriving at the castle and reuniting with so many of the people that I am glad to call my friends (and Progpower family!).

The after parties at Sjiwa and after after parties at the castle, both massively attended as they should be, and the reactions of the Progpower virgins to them.

Hearing Jonathan recollect Oganalp's story with him obviously having serious issues controlling his bladder as he is overcome with laughter.

Ricard asking the beautiful young serving girl for a Trio in the Appropo bistro, but refusing to call the chef a 'schatje'.


Finding out that Hakan is probably the only Swede in history that does not know the lyrics to the chorus of Abba's Mamma Mia, during the brass band's performance on the square in front of the restaurant near Sjiwa.

And much, much more which I've (temporarily) forgotten because of large quantities of several alcoholic substances which just seemed to evaporate as soon as they reached my hands.
Besides the already mentioned,

finally meeting my long year Brasilian e-friend Andrè in person!

Experiencing a new quality of hangover, induced by Polish vodka which felt like almost normal but being unable to remain familiar with the rules of gravity when it's dark.

Thus listening to prog performances on Sunday outside through the open door while chatting with all the nice people that couldn't leave me by myself alone.

The fact that Oganalp left a message in turkish at facebook at 3 am, stating that he's on his way to progpower, and we've been luckily having it translated by Haken's bassist Thomas MacLean.

Simon breaking with the tradition of being to bed early and not seeing me go to bed.

Many more to follow as soon my brain's recovered enough for remembering... ;)

Oh, and Vengeful, I gotta experience the taste of a prog-Schnitzel next year!
mmh, lets see

Arriving in Baarlo at the kasteel seeing all the familiar faces and trying to remember some names :lol:

Attending the opening dinner tradition at the chinese for the 1st time

The after show parties and the after after show parties. Being welcomed by the prog power family. That was awesome, thank you all :headbang:

Trying to avoid getting killed by falling cans of beer

Shadow Gallery members changing their instruments almost every second :OMG:

To meet Olga and Ton again

Listen to darkwaters upcoming album while trying to be quiet just before the drumming started :lol:

Sitting in the warm october sun, listening to the orchestra with the prog power family

The 'wake up' effect of my refreshing shower gel just before breakfast. It really works :) (at least for me)

Meeting first time prog power proggers Ruth, Anré, Francesco and Lars

Ordering my beer speaking dutch "een bier alsjeblieft"
One of my top memorable moments:

Meeting with Arjen Lucassen!!! (a dream come true!)

The orchestra headbanger guy! AWESOME, hahahaha.

Sunday after party, making so many new friends and having SOOO much fun!

Meeting the guys from Myrath, and the keyboard player of Adagio, great guys!

And many more, which I can't remember now, but later for sure :)
There are tooo many great moments:

-Seeing Shadow Gallery and meeting one of my favourite musicians: Gary Wehrkamp.

-Playing guitar on a palmtree and dancing with a rabbit on the sunday afterparty.

-My wife has won a Progpower T-shirt for me, thanks xxx ;)

-The orchestra at the castle; Rene, maybe you can book them for 2011, they rock!!!

-Sacrum and Haken, Great shows: I knew their music before Progpower but now I'm a true fan!

-Leprous an Xerath: Awesome!!!
The Good:
* MoshPit in front of the orchestra, hahaha, that was so hilarious :)
* We were unfortunately only 4 people at the Love de Vice pre listening party, but it was a very nice hour and I think we all loved the album. Too bad more didn't show up. I guess the sun and the orchestra was more tempting?
* Andreas in his wheel chair scaring the hell out of the local people he met on the way to Sjiwa.
* Balls to the wall. Starting to become a nice tradition :)
* Finally tried the Wok and it was awesome!

The Bad:
* The drummer boy who added a special flavour to the new Darkwater songs. On the other hand it was pretty funny as well.
* And now to the really BAD. I have never ever been this angry at a ProgPower festival. Seriously, my hands were shaking and I must have been so red that I almost exploded.
The thing is that on the night from Saturday to sunday Andreas wheel chair was stolen. I mean there are certain things you don't even do when you are really drunk. Stealing the wheel chair from a handicapped person is one of them. Andreas made the trip from sweden to holland all by himself and I was SO impressed. But running around for 20 minutes searching for his wheel chair was not fun, I can tell you that. Don't know what had happened if we didn't have find it. Wouldn't have been very easy for him to see the sunday bands...or getting home. So, if it was any of you here. Come forward! Do you have balls enough to give a public apology here, cause man, THAT was not what the ProgPower festival is about.
Best moments?

In no particular order:

  • Finding out that the orchestra on the Baarlo's square plays music definitely more interesting than some of the bands inside the venue ;D
  • Finding out that, no matter how sleepy this music inside the venue makes me, I still love being there and chatting to all of you folks
  • Walking in the park with others, chatting about the life, universe and shit
  • Discovering Danny DeVito dressed as the Penguin, playing keyboards in Jon Oliva's Pain band, that was very amusing
  • Listening to Darek, who couldn't find his matches
  • Sipping whisky in the basement
  • Oh, and watching Proghma-C and Leprous
  • Exploring the product line of Czech breweries
  • Eating pizza at night, just like I am not supposed to do
  • Hugging people important to me
  • Smiling at certain individuals (you know who you are)
  • And, finally, finding out that the toilet paper is gone when I need it the most on Monday morning.

Progpowerry awesome. :D
* And now to the really BAD. I have never ever been this angry at a ProgPower festival. Seriously, my hands were shaking and I must have been so red that I almost exploded.
The thing is that on the night from Saturday to sunday Andreas wheel chair was stolen. I mean there are certain things you don't even do when you are really drunk. Stealing the wheel chair from a handicapped person is one of them. Andreas made the trip from sweden to holland all by himself and I was SO impressed. But running around for 20 minutes searching for his wheel chair was not fun, I can tell you that. Don't know what had happened if we didn't have find it. Wouldn't have been very easy for him to see the sunday bands...or getting home. So, if it was any of you here. Come forward! Do you have balls enough to give a public apology here, cause man, THAT was not what the ProgPower festival is about.

When I tell people about PPeu, I tell them about how we have fun, get drunk but also about the fact that it never becomes excessive that the group as a whole will not allow someone to really misbehave. It's a pity that in this case that is not true. I agree with you: this is not wat PPeu is about.... Shame on the person that did this...
The Bad:
* And now to the really BAD. I have never ever been this angry at a ProgPower festival. Seriously, my hands were shaking and I must have been so red that I almost exploded.
The thing is that on the night from Saturday to sunday Andreas wheel chair was stolen. I mean there are certain things you don't even do when you are really drunk. Stealing the wheel chair from a handicapped person is one of them. Andreas made the trip from sweden to holland all by himself and I was SO impressed. But running around for 20 minutes searching for his wheel chair was not fun, I can tell you that. Don't know what had happened if we didn't have find it. Wouldn't have been very easy for him to see the sunday bands...or getting home. So, if it was any of you here. Come forward! Do you have balls enough to give a public apology here, cause man, THAT was not what the ProgPower festival is about.

Whoever did this does not understand the spirit of this fest. That is just outragous and not even remotely funny.
I think everything about the weekend that makes progpower progpower was just great, but my ultimate moment was the Xerath show! I can still feel my neck:bah:
+1 on the posts concerning the wheelchair. I remember thinking Andreas was joking at first when he told me about it and then I noticed he was serious. I was as outraged as the people posting before me and I still am. Let the person that did it come forward, admit in shame and be banned from the festival for life imo, or at least pay for Andreas to come back next year!
+1 Matthias. There are some things that just aren't funny. But I do guess some people got a bit carried away with their "practical jokes". Stealing someone's wheelchair isn't funny. On the other hand, I also think you're a fucking idiot if you put a bottle of wodka into the mouth of someone who's fallen asleep. Then again, maybe I just don't get modern humour.

I do trust he got his wheelchair back, right? And it wasn't broken, or something?